Tastes Romantic!-II

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A/N: I was planning to update later today but then it might get delayed, and I did not want to keep the readers hanging. 

Win's POV

After lunch with Dean and Pruk, I decided to skip afternoon classes and head home. I walked to the parking lot and saw Team standing there repeatedly looking at his phone. I sneaked behind Team and bit his earlobe. He jumped with a scream and looked back

"Hia!", he screamed rubbing his earlobe "What were you thinking? You scared the lights out of me"

"Are you waiting for someone?", I asked with a laugh

"Yes, for Pharm. Our afternoon classes are dismissed so we decided to head to our apartments. My car is in the garage so we were supposed to go back together", Team explained

"I am headed to my apartment, I can give you a ride. You are on my way" I pointed to my car

Team thought for a while and replied "I guess that would work, Pharm seems to be caught up in some club activity discussion". Team texted, I suppose Pharm and we got inside my car

I remembered about the cookies after we put on our seatbelts. I dug out the box from my bag and handed them to Team "Here, for you" I told Team and started the engine. 

"Hey, these are from morning", Team said with a surprised tone. 

"Yes, it's a  thank you present for taking care of me".

"How did you know I like choco-mint flavour?" Team asked with a big smile on his face

"Pharm mentioned once", I answered 

"Can I eat them in your car?", Team asked eagerly

I normally don't let anyone eat in the car cause cleaning it later is a hassle but for Team I didn't have to think twice "Sure", I replied

Team hurriedly opened the box with a huge smile on his face and bit on one of the cookies. "This tastes amazing", Team said with his mouth full

"Thank you Hia" Team hugged me to my surprise

"Hey, calm down. I am driving", I laughed seeing him this excited over a box of cookies. He was naive 

"So you don't like this flavour?" Team asked after a long silence

"Just had once long ago, didn't dig it much", I answered him

"Do you know what makes it taste better?"

"What?", I asked

"Cookies microwaved and eaten with milk", he closed the box after his second cookie. 

I laughed "Sounds good"

"It does, doesn't it?", Team chimed

"I don't know if you're excited from sugar or thought of choco-mints", I chuckled

We reached to Team's building "And we are at your destination", I announced

"Hia, come with me. I will serve you some nice choco-mint cookies. You are going to be in love with the flavour", Team said jumping out of the car

I was not interested in the flavour but I was interested in the boy so why not

I walked with Team to his apartment "Have a seat Hia, I will be right back"

I nodded and slumped on the bean bag. I grabbed the TV remote and put on some random channel while thinking to myself

"It's nice being with Team, it feels great to hear Hia from him and seeing him excited about little things. I want to ask him about his feelings but don't want to risk what we have right now either"

Team walks in with cookies and milk "Ayy! You can't really stay away from my TV", Team complained as he nudged my leg. I made room for him on the bean bag

He kept the glasses on the small table in front of us and brought a cookie to my mouth "taste this", Team said with a smile

"They didn't taste good the last time I had them", I replied

"You probably had some bad ones, these are amazing and warm cookies are the best", he still held the cookie to my mouth

I reluctantly took a bite "They're okay", I said. Team rolled his eyes and ate the rest of the cookie

"That was an indirect kiss", I mentioned with a smile and soon I felt a stinging slap to my thigh

"That hurts", I winced and rubbed my thigh. 

"You deserved it", he spoke gibberishly with half of a cookie in his mouth and laughed while managing to keep the cookie between his teeth. 

I moved closer to him and bit part of the cookie from his mouth. He looked shocked as I pulled away from him

Team hurriedly ate the rest of the cookie and wiped his mouth. There was still some crumb near his lips. I pulled him towards me and licked off the crumbs from the corner of his lips. Team was completely motionless this time 

"I think I have changed my mind about choco-mint flavour", I told him looking into his eyes "It tastes romantic". I smiled

We were interrupted by Team's phone. He got up from his seat and answered the call, it was Pharm. He walked into the balcony talking to Pharm. 

I picked up another cookie and had it with milk "Hmm, they do taste good with milk"

As much safe distance I wanted to create around him, I was attracted more to him.

I followed Team on the balcony.I snaked my arms around his waist from behind and rest my chin on his shoulder. I felt him stiffen up from the touch but he continued talking and slowly relaxed in my arms. Sensing his tone, I assumed it was something important they were talking about. I took my chance and slipped one of my hands under his shirt and ran my thumb over his waist and Team's breath hitched. I placed a kiss over his neck and continued running my thumb over his waist.

"Pharm, I will call you later. Please make some excuse to the teacher for me, I will submit the assignment by the end of this week"

Team ended the call and broke free from my hug and faced me "Hia! Don't play with me", he said in higher pitch 

I stepped closer and cupped his face. His eyes looked everywhere but at me, I kissed his forehead "I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable but I am not playing with you, never will. I love you Team, and I cherish you. I shall wait for you as long as you want me and I am okay even if your answer is no but be true to me, that's all I ask for" I pulled Team in to a hug

"Take your time, I will be there even if you are afraid or confused but don't say no without realising your feelings", my fingers ran through his soft hair. I pecked his cheek and was about to leave when I felt a tug on the hem of my shirt from behind. 

"You are good with English, aren't you?" Team asked sheepishly looking at his feet

"I guess", I answered

"I need help with my assignment. If I don't revise and submit by Friday, I will fail the class", Team said

"What do I get for helping you?", I asked

"Some choco-mint cookies?", Team said questioningly

"No, that's a weak bribe", I inched closer to him

"What do you want?", Team asked

"I want a proper dinner date with you", I answered

Team didn't answer for long

"Just a simple dinner outside, but just you and me. I won't make any move at all", I bargained

"Deal", Team replied. I was beyond happy

We got to the assignment after that. "I can't wait for my date with Team"

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