First Glance

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Team's POV

It was a weird day, I felt restless and my mind was racing with so many thoughts at a lightning speed that I could barely figure my thoughts. 

"Swimming club has a competition, my cousin is a part of the swimming club. Shall we go watch him?" asked Pharm. I nodded and grabbed my jacket. 

It was a mild winter and the breeze felt good but I was still in a daze. Pharm was busy texting someone and we walked towards the swimming club. We reached our destination and took seats. 

I glanced around and saw the swimmers gathered around the pool discussing something before they organized themselves. Pharm was sitting beside me being chirpy and talking to other friends present there. I rolled my eyes and chuckled and slumped on my seat. I tried focusing on the swimming competition but a few minutes later everything was a blur and I was slipping in my thoughts, it has just been a few days since Pharm and I joined the university and I was yet to decide which club I wanted to join. But I left the decision for this weekend and let myself be less restless. 

I was paying half attention to the competition and shortly noticed a blonde tattoed guy with his hair up and then again I was distracted. 

"Team, why are you so silent? Did you see how my cousin Win left everyone behind, that was something!", Pharm exclaimed. I was brought to reality and realised that I was lost in my world for long enough to miss the competition. 

"Yes, he was good", I replied half-assed. I didn't even know who Win was. I see people flocked around someone but could not see who was the person surrounded. That should be Win, who won the competition I guessed. 

"I am going to say hi to P'Win", Pharm said "Want to come with me?" he asked. 

I shook my head and told him that I would be waiting for him outside. He nodded and went to see his cousin. 

I stepped outside and saw the canteen nearby and thought to buy ice cream for Pharm and I. The sugar might help I thought. I got ourselves ice cream and saw Pharm outside alone and joined him handing him his favourite vanilla ice cream. He beamed and thanked me. 

"What flavour are you eating?", Pharm asked "Mint", I replied. I love it

"Weird choice", Pharm exclaimed. I chuckled and we start walking to our dorm. 

"I did not know your cousin's studying here. Are you two close?", I asked Pharm

"P'Win and I are very close. He is a gentle and caring brother, every summer I would visit his resort and we all would have so much fun. It's nice to be around him and I am happy that I can see him more often now that we are in the same university" Pharm excitedly talked about his cousin. They must be really close. 

We reach our dorm and moved to our respective rooms. I open my room and flop on the couch tired from all the thoughts running through my mind. Must be from being homesick and being in a new atmosphere I thought. I ran the hot water for the bath and sat on the couch a while longer before heading for the bath. 


I walked towards my room thinking about the boy I saw today at the pool stadium besides Pharm. He was cute and looked like a lost sheep in the crowd, I could not take my eyes off of him. I thought I could see him again after the competition but everyone just gathered around me and I could not move past them. Then I met Pharm temporarily but because of the crowd I had to ask him to meet later in peace and I wanted to ask him about the boy next to him but I could not find the right moment then. I will ask Pharm about him when I see him the next day. 

I opened the door to my room and place my helmet on the table and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator, "I deserve this, haha". I turned the TV on and started thinking about the dark-haired adorable boy whom I can't get out of my head. I can't wait to see him again.

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