The Tension

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A/N: I do not think I can sleep until I have updated this. This update is for the anxious me. I hope the readers enjoy it. Love ya'all for being with me on this story. I can't thank you all enough. Mwah!

"Hey, do you guys want to go to the movies this evening?", Pruk asked Win and Dean at the lunch table.

"I am free. I can come along. Which movie do you have in mind?", asked Win

"There's a new sci-fi movie", answered Pruk

"Sounds good. How about you Dean? Up for it?", asked Win

"I think I am going to pass. I have some unfinished work"

"What is up with you lately? You have been weird after the fest."

"Yes, Win is right and what unfinished work do you have? It's been a lazy week and you have submitted all your assignments. You okay?", questioned Pruk.

"Not much. My sister's engaged and my parents are throwing a party for them. I got to help around.", Dean replied "And you both are invited BTW."

"Congratulations! And thanks for the invite", exclaimed Pruk and Win

"It's just us then", Pruk said, "What about N'Team and N'Pharm? Would they want to join us?"

"Sure, I will ask them", answered Win. 

Win stepped aside from the table to call Team. Pruk took this chance to talk to Dean. 

"Hey, I know something is bothering you. Is it N'Pharm? You have not talked anything about him after you two got together. What's up with you both?

Dean sighed and covered his face, "I don't know P' how to explain this. It's the worst. Pharm ran out somewhere in the night after we got together. He won't talk much with me, maybe he thinks it was a mistake getting together. If only I had not moved so fast. I screwed up P', I screwed up!"

"Woah! I did not know you were serious about Pharm."

Dean looked at Pruk and smiled weakly "But I fucked it up, didn't I?"

Pruk rubbed Dean's arm lightly, "Talk to him? If he spent the night with you, there should be some feelings, yeah?"

"I promised Win I would distance myself from Pharm so I do not hurt him anymore."

"You're hurting yourself though", Pruk said "You both just started in reverse so I guess talking about your feeling would be the next step. Let him know your feelings and leave the rest to N'Pharm."

"You think so?", Dean questioned with little hope in his voice

Pruk shrugged as he sipped on his coffee, "I guess. Take your chance."

"I guess", Dean placed his head on the table facing Pruk. 

Soon after Win arrived the guys settled themselves in their seats "Team can't make it, he is behind on his submissions but Pharm will be there", Win said

"Okay great", Pruk replied "Does Pharm know that I am coming with you?"

"Yes, I mentioned that you asked us for the movie and Dean can't seem to make it", answered Win

"Dean will be there too", Pruk said. Dean tried to shut him off but he ignored Dean and continued, "I managed to convince him to spare a few hours. I think he needs a break from all the work." 

Dean just sighed and sat back on the table. It's tough to convince Pruk once he has set his mind on anything and Dean knew that. 

"I am so glad that you agreed", Win chirped. 

They all returned to their classes while discussing their evening plans. They all decided to meet at the theatre at 7 pm. 

The three guys reached the theatre and were waiting for Pharm. "Why did you not pick Pharm?", asked Pruk. 

"I suggested but he said he had something to pick up nearby and would meet us here. He sure is running late though. Hope he makes it on time", Win replied

Pharm came running towards them and he stopped to catch his breath. He adjusted his bag "I am sorry I got ..." Before he could say anything further he saw Dean and could not speak any further. 

"Hey P'Dean. I did not know you were coming", Pharm said

"P'Pruk convinced him after all.", Win said. Pruk waived at Pharm and Dean smiled shyly. Pharm waived and they went inside. 

They got the tickets and headed towards the snack bar. "Win and I will buy us the snacks. Wait for us here", Pruk grabbed Win and started walking away, Pruk gestured to Dean to talk to Pharm.

"Hey", Dean said in a low voice.

"Hey", Pharm replied.

"How have you been?"

"Good P', and you?"

"Listen Pharm there is something I need to tell you"

Pharm looked at him curiously. 

"About that night, I know I acted too fast but it does not mean that" Dean was cut short "It's okay P', I know you want to distance yourself from me. I had no idea you would be here or I would not have shown up."

Dean just stood there dumbfounded. Pharm chuckled softly "I heard you talking to P'Win at the fest. Oh! Here they come."

Dean was shocked and he absent-mindedly followed others inside the movie hall. To make matters worse he was seated next to Pharm, he did not know how he could spend two hours next to Pharm without looking at him or crying. His heart ached, he felt terrible and had no idea how he could make things right between them. 

Dean looked at Pharm with a side eye during the entire movie. He felt Pharm uncomfortable in his seat. Pharm kept his hand on his knees as if making sure his hands wouldn't touch Dean even slightly. Did he make Pharm this uncomfortable? His mind had several questions running all at the same time. The night did not feel forced, he thought Pharm wanted to be with him too. Was he bad in bed? Was it an afterthought to their relationship that made Pharm back away? All the thoughts were killing Dean. His heart ached and the tears brimmed his eyes. 

Dean could no longer bear to sit through the movie, he stood up from his seat and walked away. On his way out he texted Win that his parents wanted him home for personal reasons. 

Wins' POV

I saw Dean suddenly walk away from the hall, I was just about to follow him when I received Dean's text. I showed it to P'Pruk and we both were confused. Pharm looked just as confused. We did not know whether to follow him or sit through the movie. Dean had been acting weird for some time and I thought he was tired but this did not seem right. I was about to get up but P'Pruk stopped me. He whispered, "Leave him be for now. He is tired and needs some alone time, probably."

I sat through the movie but my mind kept wandering to Dean. Why would a party need so much of work? Maybe it's something grand since it is a special occasion, they must be very excited. 

Once the movie was over, I rushed out. P'Pruk and Pharm followed soon. 

"What's up with you?", P"pruk asked.

"I am a little worried about Dean."

"He is okay, just busy. I will call him", said P'Pruk. I nodded. P'Pruk moved a bit away to talk to Dean. I looked at Pharm and he was lost in his thoughts. I snapped my fingers in front of his face "You okay?"

"Yes,  yes, just thinking about P'Dean", Pharm answered. 

"I am sure he is fine. Hope you enjoyed the movie."

Pharm nodded. I saw P'Pruk coming to us and I raised my brow questioningly. 

"He is fine, he made some mistake with the party order and his parents called him home," P'Pruk answered. And with that, we all headed for home. 

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