A Tale as Old as Time

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It was a beautiful day in the small village as the sun shone a golden hue into your humbly small room. You stirred in your sleep, till finally you slowly sat up as the rays warmly hugged your figure. The day seemed to the love the beauty which was you, if only the same could be said for the people beyond your small rickety door. A sigh escaped your lips as you finally stood from your bed.

You looked into the mirror. In it's reflection was your mother's face, with your father's cute nose, and those adorable doe eyes in a E/C hue. The clock suddenly catching your attention. Nearly 8.

Better hurry up so I can get to the market in time.

You rushed down stairs to your wolf husky, Aridam. He nuzzled against your hand as you went to the bathroom. After drawing the warm water, you stepped in the tub, the warm water, caressing your dark toned figure. As you laid there in there, their words rang in you ears.

She must be a witch.

No one is that beautiful.

No wonder her mother is dead.

That father of hers just going to get himself cursed.

Talk about a worthless family.

Acting all high mighty by not marrying.

It's not fair to our girls if all the men want her.

"It's not my fault," you sunk further into the water. "I didn't choose to born this way." But the again, I've used that before. I guess nothing will satisfy their hate.

After a few more minutes, you exited the bath, wrapped warmly in your towel. Exiting the bathroom, you left back upstairs to your room as you got ready. You brushed you hair up into a bun.

Then dressed yourself into your teal blue dress

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Then dressed yourself into your teal blue dress.

Then dressed yourself into your teal blue dress

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The Beauty Within (Bakugo X Black Fem Reader) Beauty And The Beast AUWhere stories live. Discover now