Enter the Fangs of Toga

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The carriage ride was silent among the Todoroki family. Shoto stared out the window with a quiet anger while dressed in his best attire. Who would've thought that after accepting their invitation, the Toga family would throw such a large party.

A party. After one of their own disappeared. Only his family knew you were okay, everyone else didn't seem to care.

"The nerve of these people." Natsuo muttered while adjusting his collar. "A woman disappeared and they throw a party. Especially when they know she's our friend."

"Well they just don't give a damn about Y/N," Touya responded. "Ever since she hit puberty all likeness towards her just went to shit. It was already bad enough her mom was a witch."

"Even if they don't like her they should still take into account that what they're doing is inconsiderate." Fuyumi added as Enji sighed.

"Let's just get the information we need and leave." He said. "I really am not fond of the Togas anyway."

"They're not that bad." Rei reassured him.

"Hell with what Keigo told us, I'd be shocked if any of them were good." Touya retorted as he glared out the window.

Yeah, Shoto thought looking out at the street devoid of the winter feel. what Keigo said.

Finally the carriage stopped in front of the large estate accompanied by a dozen more. People chatted happily without a care in the world. Why would they care? Shoto knew they never did.

The coachman opened the door as Enji was the first to get down. He helped his wife out as his sons followed. Natsuo helped Fuyumi down, as a girl with purple-ish hair approached them.

"Hey Shoto." She said lowly waving shyly.

"Oh Kyoka," he said surprised to see his old classmate. "I'm happy to see you."

The girl eyed him worriedly before dropping her smile. "Are you?" He didn't respond and looked away. "I'm sorry, I've tried keeping an ear out but-"

"It's fine, Y/N's okay."

Her eyes lit up in shock. "Really? Is she back?"

Shoto started to respond but guests started to file inside. He held out his arm for her to hold and walked inside with her. "I'll explain in private. Not here."

"Okay." She agreed as she followed hum to the entrance.

There stood Himiko and her two sisters. Kikyo, and Hamuki, in between the three girls was their father. Same yellow eyes, and blonde hair.

"Todoroki and Jirou," he said proudly seeing the two families. "I am honored to have you all attend this evening."

"Thank you very much." Rei said hiding her own discomfort better than her husband and children.

"Please come inside." They all entered the estate to be greeted by the large ballroom.

The family looked around the large place as servants gave out food and drinks. Touya stood boringly looking around before a girl knocked into him. The impact causing her to spill the wine on his shirt.

"Oh my god!" She whispered yelled. "No no no no no!" She started to frantically search herself. "I'm sorry! So sorry! Let me just."

"Hey hey hey, it's fine!" Touya said looking at her a bit better now.

"Hey hey hey, it's fine!" Touya said looking at her a bit better now

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