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Shoto glared the female down and she stood looking back before smirking softly.

"That bird brained idiot saw nothing," she remarked. "Keigo doesn't like our family and loves Y/N so he would say something to drag my name in dirt."

As she talked Shoto looked towards her left ear, a red markings were visible to him, it read "うそつき". "Would you like to know how I know you're lying?" She stayed quiet at his words but maintained her confident stance. "Only my family knows this, but I'm going to tell you now. I have a second ability."

Her eyes widened slight and her smile slowly disappeared. "When people lie a mark appears on their neck. Only I can see it, that mark is the Japanese Kanji for liar. So, would you like to try again?"

Shoto could see her clench her dress, before she could respond someone barged through the door. It was Natsuo.

"Shoto pause what you're doing, there's something wrong with mom!" He ordered worriedly.

The male looked down at Himiko and shot her a hellish glare. "Watch yourself." He ordered before leaving the hall, and Himiko by herself.

She sucked her teeth before dusti g off her dress. "Dammit, since when did he have a second ability?" Himiko asked going down the hall worriedly. "I need a different candidate, he's too rebellious."

Shoto entered the dining area to see his mother seem to choke. His father stood by her not sure what to do. Touya procced to perform heimlich, yet it didn't relieve her.

"What happened?!" Shoto exclaimed.

"I don't know, she doesn't seem to be choking on food." His father side worriedly as he stood up, and begun to help her to her feet.

As she stood up, blood spilled from her lips. Shoto's blood froze over at the sight as her legs gave out and Enji held her. "Rei what's wrong?!"

She continued to cough up blood, the people around began to look in concern. One male got up from his seat before walking around to her side.

"Hold on let me see." Touya moved back as he felt her head, and checked her pulse in the wrist. "Something must've been in the food, this is Pyro's wisp poisoning." He said turning her head to see a purple bruise behind her right earlobe.

"The food is poisoned?!" One of the woman exclaimed staring at the plate in horror.

The Duke seemed to sweat in confusion as people started to stare at him. Enji picked up Rei as she continued to writhe in his arms. "Let's move her to a different room. I need you to freeze it, the cold will slow it down."

Enji left the room with Rei in his arms, and the others following behind. They entered a room in the hall and and Shoto touched the wall in the room. Ice crept off his hand and spread in the room. The man reached into his bag and pulled out a vial filled with blue liquid, as well as a syringe. Enji put Rei on the bed as she continued to breathe weakly.

"Are you ready?" He asked the doctor as he filled the syringe.

"Almost, it's kinda hard when you're shivering." He responded as the liquid was almost full. "But I need the wisp to slow down. If anything, could one of you go to the kitchens, and see if you can find the wisp?"

"Uh yeah but what does it look like?" Touya asked as he walked over to Rei on the bed.

"It comes in many forms, so it's very hard to identify." He explained as he started to deliver the antidote in her neck. "Unless you have a suitable amount of witch blood. Are there any witches in your bloodline?"

"No sadly," Enji responded. "there is one in Rei's but that's her great great great grandfather."

"That's too far off." He said as he took the syringe out. "In my bag there are small mirrors. They can detect Pyro's wisp, the plant will glow red in their view."

The Beauty Within (Bakugo X Black Fem Reader) Beauty And The Beast AUWhere stories live. Discover now