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Momo has never run for many things before. Her life was always carefree. She never ran for things that weren't a source of joy. Yet today, today she ran, as if it were for her own life. People crowded the city courthouse with pitchforks and various other weapons as the yelled at the building.

Momo pushed through the crowd and was able to weave through the entrance. She was hyperventilating, Momo looked around signaled an officer.

"Excuse me! Sir!"

"Lady Yaoyorozu. What can I do for you miss?"

"Where is the cell Y/N is being held?" She asked in a tired breaths.

"She's being held in the last cell in the eastern corridor."

"Okay." At that she ran past him and through the building.

She found the stairs and ran down quickly. Several times she nearly fell over her dress. Once at the bottom she ran down the hall. Other prisoners called to her. Many asking for a release, some others wanting her in their cell. She ignored their voices and reached the end of the hall.

Momo held the bars and looked at you. You sat in the far corner and hummed quietly to yourself. Your eyes were closed as you appeared to console yourself.

"Y/N." Momo called to you.

Opening your eyes you looked at Momo and gave her a small smile.

"Hey Factory Line."

She gripped the bars and glared at you. "Don't 'Hey Factory Line' me. What the hell were you thinking?" She asked with anger in her voice. "You killed an elder!"

You scoffed and turned your gaze back to the wall. "That elder helped Himiko hurt Katsuki. And he's been trying to kill me for years. He had it coming."

"So then why are you sitting here, you have magic! And you denied help from me and Shoto's family. Why!"

At her question you stayed quiet and closed your eyes. "It's the only way. He won't survive if I don't do this."

Momo stared at you confused and shook her head. "What are you talking about? Katsuki? He won't survive if you don't burn at the stake?"

"I would've preferred being beheaded," you said back as she froze at your words. "but I'll have to make do with it."

"Y/N, why are you letting them do this, you're innocent." She told you as tears began to run down her face. "I've done nothing but worry about you. These past 2 months, I have been praying for us to go back to normal. You can't do this."

You sat there for a few seconds. You were fully aware of her plight. Everyone has suffered these past few months. As much as you wanted to do the same, return to your simple life. Your small warm house with those you loved.

But, you couldn't do that. You fell in love, you've become selfless beyond reason.

"Momo, I'm sorry." You said to her suddenly as you sighed and closed your eyes. "You'll have to find a different maid of honor."


The woman sat outside of the courthouse now. She stared at the ground tuning out the sounds of the people yelling. They pleaded for the witch to be burned. They prayed for your death. Momo didn't hear any of this, she didn't even hear the hoofbeats of Shoto's horse as she rode to her.

"Momo!" He called to her. She didn't respond. Shoto got down and walked to her before kneeling down. "Momo can you hear me? What happened? What did Y/N do?"

She felt empty, the woman was so drained she almost couldn't speak. "She killed the elder . . . that helped Himiko . . . kill the king. They . . . they didn't . . . believe her . . . They arrested her . . . for his murder. She . . . she wants to die. Y/N, wants to die."

The Beauty Within (Bakugo X Black Fem Reader) Beauty And The Beast AUWhere stories live. Discover now