Beginnings of a Spark 🥀

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Eijirou muttered quietly as the red mist in his glowed brighter while casting his spell on a rabbit. You watched expectingly as the animal glowed and suddenly turned into a brown teapot. It hopped around and the glass clattered as the man looked excitedly.

"Hey! I did it!" He said with excitement.

You clapped softly with your own smile, lifting up your notebook you wrote then turned it to him. Now turn it back to normal.

"Okay." He responded with a nod as he went and picked up the moving teapot.

Eijirou took a deep breath and muttered quietly before his eyes glowed a bright right. A red mist surrounded the teapot and glowed with golden streaks on its glass. "Restore." When the mist disappeared the rabbit was back to normal. The man smiled at the animal wiggling in his hands.

You grinned at the sight underneath your bandages.

"Y/N you think I could do the same for the others?" He asked you.

We can try. You said turning around to see Iida roll by.

"Hey Iida!" Eijirou called to him in which he approached.

"Good day, what do you need?"

"I want to try and turn you back like a Y/N did for me."

The clock looked at him confused before turning to you. "How exactly?"

"I'm a sorcerer apparently, and Y/N taught the spell to turn people back."

Iida still looked at him nervously before turning to you. "Is there any negative affects if it doesn't work?" He asked as Eijirou pouted.

You shook your head. It'll just not turn you back. Nothing bad will happen.

He nodded and looked back at him. "Alright try it."

Eijirou handed you the rabbit before placing his hand on Iida's head. He muttered quietly then stared at the man as his eyes glowed. A mist gathered on his hand as Iida's eyes glowed and his body began to shine at the golden streaks that coursed across his body. You looked away and closed your eyes as the light became unbearable.

"Restore." He said as the light grew stronger then dimmed.

You looked back to see Iida meet Eijirou tall frame as the red head grinned before hugging him. "Yes!" He exclaimed as Iida looked at his human hands amazed.

"Eijirou!" The man said with a large grin before hugging him back. "May Merlin bless you." At his words you smiled while stroking the rabbit as Iida let him go and turned to bow to you. "Thank you for guiding him."

You shook your head as Eijirou's grin widened. "So now I cam turn everyone else back and let Y/N rest."

Suddenly you snapped your fingers catching his attention. Be careful, remember you do have limits. If you feel fatigued stop, don't continue you'll damage your abilities.

"Of course." He responded. "I'll keep it together."

You nodded as you watched them leave. Left alone now you looked over to see Aridam sleeping in the grass. You let go of the rabbit in your arms and it hopped away. Some time had passed as you looked around and suddenly your eyes landed on the window above that was a part of his Majesty's office.

As you peered at the window you recalled that previous night.


The king held your hand warmly, his large build enveloping yours. Bringing up your other hand you reached into his hood and stroked his face. The man shuddered at the touch as you stroked his . . . fur?

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