Where The Witch's Daughter Lies

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A week had passed since you disappeared. Many of your former classmates, and their families did everything in their power to help. All this to no avail.

Tonight, the Todoroki brothers were searching through the forest for any traces for you. Their lanterns moved about like fireflies in the darkness of night.

"Y/N!!" Natsuo yelled your name over a nearby grove.

"Y/N!!!" Touya yelled again in the distance.

"Can you here me Y/N!!!!" Shoto yelled through the trees.

The youngest gripped his lantern in fear. This couldn't be happening. You couldn't be gone, not now. He waited so long just to see the two of you again. 3 years he fought for this city, just for him to come back and find you missing.

Touya slid down some rocks as he searched. He wasn't as close to you as Shoto was, but he always looked at you like a little sister. In the moments where he had to babysit the three of you, he became fond of your presence. The eldest assigned himself to be your older brother, to be an older figure you could turn to when All Might wasn't around. You were important to his family, he'd make sure you're found safe.

His thoughts were cut off when his eyes caught something. There was something hanging off of a branch. As he got closer it was a peice of cloth, a teal blue, piece of cloth.

"Natsuo! Shoto! Over here!" He yelled to his brothers in the distance.

The two rushed at the sound of his voice. They slid down the rocky slide to meet with him.

"Did you find her?" Shoto asked.

"No, but I found this." He responded holding out the cloth.

"Didn't Momo say she was wearing teal when she disappeared?" Natsuo asked, taking the cloth.

"Yeah she did." Touya responded as Natsuo handed it to Shoto.

He rubbed his fingers on the fabric. "Yeah this is her cloth, it's the same material as the other ones she makes."

Shoto stepped forward by the branch to see a deep ledge. Someone could've been knocked out if they fell down it. He took his right leg, and a ice slide formed down the ledge. The three slid down the slide to the bottom.

Touya pointed them off in different directions as they looked around the area. Natsuo took the right and looked along the wall. Nothing was found, till his eyes fell onto a rock. Suddenly his stomach felt sick.

"Hey guys?" He said to the two.

They came over to his side. Shoto's face turned white as bone.

Along the wall was more torn fabric, and on the rock was dried blood. No she couldn't be. I refuse to believe you're dead Y/N.

"Look here." Touya's caught his attention.

He shined lantern on shoe marks in the dirt. "Footprints," Natsuo started. "not Y/N's though." Natsuo raised his lantern further to see more footprint in the distance. "They lead to the castle. You think-"

"One of the adversaries from the castle must've found her." Shoto said following them to him. "Should we try and follow them?"

"I wouldn't advise it," Touya said. "no one in the city has been able to approach the castle, even on foot we've tried. Even with a map, no one's been able to get to there."

"But we can't just stop here," Shoto argued. "we're not even completely sure that she was even taken to the castle."

"True, but where do we go from here?" Natsuo asked him. "This is the only traces of her we have left, and these footprints lead straight to the castle. Even if that's where she is we can't go there."

The Beauty Within (Bakugo X Black Fem Reader) Beauty And The Beast AUWhere stories live. Discover now