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"Excuse me?" Hitoshi sounded in confusion as he stared at you in the room.

The others stood around you looking about worried and also confused.

"Wait a second," Denki spoke up waving his huge candle hands. "Y/N you're saying the only way to break the curse without the most sacred witch is for him to fall in love?"

You nodded earning a distressed look from him. "Well I'd better get used to being a luck cat for the rest of my life, cuz that's not happening." Hitoshi said.

Your head tilted in disbelief at them as they all seemed to sigh heavily. Rolling your eyes you floated your book towards Izuku and burned words into the page as he read them aloud. Unless y'all know where the most sacred witch is, y'all better start playing Cupid. Because that is the only way to break the curse. Also if you were to recall the night you all were cursed, the witch mentioned he had no love in his heart. Obviously this is her way of fixing that.

"So the witch is trying to help him?" Iida asked.

Shrugging your shoulders you continued to write. That is the best way I can decipher her actions. I still have yet till Aridam returns with my books. If not getting him to fall in love I might be able to find the most sacred witch, and ask them to break the spell.

"But, what if he snaps at you again?" Ochaco asked worriedly.

Then I'll work at night. I can't let him stay guilty for the rest of his life. You responded earning a sigh from Hitoshi.

"Alright let's figure this shit out." He said. "So let's go and look over any possible candidates."

Hitoshi got off your bed as the others followed him out the room. You watched them leave as your book floated back to your lap. Sighing softly, you gazed out the window, before looking off silently into space, contemplating.

Should I go and talk to him? You thought to yourself. Maybe he might let me continue. If not maybe make sure that he doesn't hate me for my duration here. Looking out the window once more you shook your head. Kirishima said it himself he's stubborn. Talking to him might not work. Then again, I. . . dear God why am I worried about that. I'll just wait for Aridam to get back.


It's been a while since the dog smelled home. To be honest the feeling was refreshing. He sat joyously next to the retired hero as he instructed places for where your books might be kept. Toshinori stood with a stack of three in his hand while he stood out the door of your room as Momo and Fuyumi searched.

"Did you find the plank under her bed?" He asked.

"Yes we got it." Momo replied as she walked out with another huge book.

"How many does Y/N have?" Fuyumi asked dusting her hands off as she walked out.

"Half the amount Faye had, then add that together and that's how many." He responded and they all walked back to the living room.

"Another question," Touya started as the walked out of your parents room dropping a hearty load of books on the table. "why does her mom have so many books?"

"They're witches, having many broadens their learning and expertise. For Y/N alot of the ones she has are translations since she's still not that fluent in Mador." Toshinori explained.

"What's Mador?" Natsuo asked as he set down two more books.

"I think Y/N once told me it's the language of witches." Shoto started as he carried more texts. "An enchanted language only those with a good amount of witch blood can decipher. Y/N might be a full witch, but she still has to study it."

The Beauty Within (Bakugo X Black Fem Reader) Beauty And The Beast AUWhere stories live. Discover now