The Most Talented

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You walked out of your bedroom with a map in hand. Shinsou allowed you to borrow it in order to search for the city you recalled as Gemsville. The journey was almost two weeks long. By the time you would get there it would be a day before the curse would become permanent, if you were to leave tomorrow. But that would involve convincing the king to go with you.

Eijirou excitedly opted to be your guide as he already knew the way to the city. It apparently was where the male was born. He was especially excited at the thought of seeing his mother. You recalled laughing at his enthusiasm as he seemed a lot more excited for thsi journey than you were.

As you walked around the palace mindlessly, you suddenly stopped in front of a door. Looking at it curiously you folded the map and opened the door. Your eyes widened at the dark interior. But you could make out that it was a ballroom. It was abandoned of course, hasn't been touch in years. You could discern by the clouds of dust amd cobwebs.

Upon entering the ballroom you made your way to a curtain. You pulled on the rope and light flowed into the room. Looking around the now lit up room you noticed a grand piano, some violins, a cello, and a harp. Raising your right hand a white light emerged and the dirt, dust and webs were sucked into a vortex of air. One of the windows opened allowing the dirt to fly outside and into a bin.

You closed the window and looked at the ballroom that was now clean. Setting the map down, you waved your hand and the chandeliers became lit allowing you to better view the room.

"Oh wow

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"Oh wow." You breathed out amazed by the space. "You've been left alone for a long time. You poor thing."

You walked to the middle of the ballroom and raised your hand towards the instruments. Your fingers began to move in delicate motion, as the piano began to play a perfect and beautiful melody of Piano Sonata No. 11 by Mozart.

As it played you crossed your feet and bent down before you began to dance. You moved about the room with a slow grace. Each movement matched beautifully with the piano's notes. Slowly the music transitioned to Piano Concerto No. 21. Aslo by Mozart, a man whose music acted as a lullaby for you.

While dancing, you smiled as you moved around the room with glee and grace. You pictured yourself on the Scarlet Floor, that highest stage for the creative art. While doing so, you recalled as you danced how long good it felt to dance like this. Being bedridden for weeks trapped you.

Here, you felt free.


Katsuki walked through the palace halls while reading a bill. He felt energized, its been so long since he slept so sound. The rest was so well that he got more work done then he ever had. Perhaps you were right, he needed to relax a bit.

"🎵Sing sweet, nightengale.🎵" Katsuki stopped in his tracks at the sound of singing.

A piano played in company, as did the notes of a violins. Looking around he saw the ballroom doors open. As he walked closer, he recognized that voice. Finally Katsuki made it to the entrance and looked into the clean and lit room. Yet he didn't notice either as he watched you danced across the floor. The dress you wore enhanced your noves. You flowed through the room like an enchanting fairy.

He watched you dance and sing in frozen awe

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He watched you dance and sing in frozen awe. The blue in the dress made you look like a flower dance in the wind. Your braids flowed so swiftly as they danced along with you. You were a delicate and beautiful piece of nature that was undisturbed and natural. Katsuki stood in silence as to not disturb your performance.

"🎵Ohhhhhh, Sing sweet, nightengale. Sing sweet nightengale. High above.🎵" Upon the last note you stopped your movement letting your voice echo and the instruments stop playing. You turned around and saw Katsuki by the door. "Katsuki." You called his name with a bright tone. "Good morning, how are you?"

"I'm fine." He said lowly before actually taking a good look at the ballroom. "You cleaned this place up?"

"I mean yeah, once we turn you back to normal, we're gonna have to throw a nice big ball." You said while happily twirling around. He watched you do so with a hidden smile. "We'll be leaving tomorrow so by the time we get there it'll be the day before this becomes permanent. So you'll have to come with me."

Katsuki froze at that thought. To him leaving the palace was the most dangerous thing he could do. He couldn't risk his people finding out what happened to him.

"Hey, why the long face?" You asked him with a smile, as ou we're now in front of him. "Be happy I found her, so she can turn you back."

"I know," he said quietly. "thanks, I guess."

At his tone you rolled your eyes before taking his hands in yours. "Come dance with me."

"I have work to do idiot." He told you as you continued to pull him along.

"You can finish that later, come here." Finally you pulled him to the center of the ballroom, and took the paper from him.

"Y/N, I told you I need to sign that."

"And I told you, that you can do it later." You put the papers on the piano, before walking back to him. "Come on, it'll be fun." As you took his hands the instruments began to play Turkish March. "Stop being such a stiff, relax."

At that you started to lead him in the lighthearted dance. Slowly but surely he began to follow your energetic movements. You gave him a wide smile and began to laugh while dancing happily. Katsuki spun you around with his own energy and continued to dance in the empty but full ballroom.

In the midst of your dance, Katsuki's mask fell from his face. The man didn't notice, but you did. Even so the sight before you didn't stop your small party. You could see him smile through his rugged teeth and furry exterior.

Tsunagu walked along the hall with Iida and Kaminari as they heard the music and your singing. They approached the door and peeked inside seeing the two of you.

"Well would you look at that?" Tsunagu said with a large smile as the other two watched. "I knew she was good for him."

"Aw." Kaminari whined. "When can I find a girl like that?"

"You will Kaminari be patient." Iida told him as they watched dance a little longer.

"Well we can't let them have all the fun. Call the others." Tsunagu told them as he entered. "Well hello there, why haven't you invited anyone else to this party?"

"It's a party of two asshole, fuck off." Katsuki said harshly, annoyed by the disruption.

"Come on Katsuki, it's fine." You told him as you continued to dance and you heard commotion from the hall.

"Hey! The ballroom looks amazing!" Eijirou said looking around the interior.

"Now it's a party!" You said spinning Katsuki and yourself around as the music grew louder and upbeat.

Everyone else partnered up, even Hatsyme came in and danced with Iida. Finally Katsuki began to soften and became comfortable with the eyes of the others only focusing on your smile. It was a good day. A great day even. Thi gs were going great, and everyone knew this. As you danced the day away, all of you relished in your shared talent and love for the ballroom.

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