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There was a ringing in your ears as you lied painfully in the snow. Your scars sent chills of pain through your body. The chill of the sow not making it any better beither. Your breathing was forced as you tried to calm your head from the pain. You could feel someone touch you.

"Y/N! Y/N!" Kirishima called to you as the others gathered around.

"I'm so sorry!" Denki exclaimed horrified by the result of his actions.

"Y/N can you hear us?" Midoriya asked.

Your eyes fluttered open and close through the pain as your head turned slightly.

"Get her off the ground." Mina said as Kirishima tried to pick you up before wincing under his touch.

You shook your head sharply wishing for the pain to stop. "You don't want to get up?" Kirishima asked. In response you shook your head again letting out another shaky breath. If you pick me up your armor will make it worse Kirishima. Your book floated up to him with those words.

"What do we do?" Ochaco asked. "We can't leave her here."

"Katsuki's gonna kill me." Denki whimpered. "Why did you duck?!"

"I didn't know she was standing right behind me!" Kirishima argued. "Why did you make the snowball so big?"

"Can you two not start that now?!" Iida demanded. "Now is not the time to point fingers. We must get Y/N out of snow, back inside and get Chiyo to check her for injuries."

"But she's in too much pain for us to pick her up." Hagakure argued.

"A blanket," Midoriya suggested. "we can slide a blanket under her and lift her up since our armor might rub against her roughly."

Now that's smart.

"Alright okay, I'll go get it." Denki said as he rolled out of the courtyard.

As he opened the glass door, he froze in terror at the sight before him. His king towered over him with his red eyes appearing to burn though his wax. Midoriya looked over and stared in horror along with the others.

"H-h-hi K-Kacchan." Denki said shakily.

You not able to turn you head looked around nervously at the eyes filled with fear.

"Where the hell are you going?" Katsuki asked in a low voice.

"I-i-i uh, I wanted to get a blanket to lift Y/N up."

"And whose fucking fault is it that she's on the ground?" Katsuki asked stepping closer causing him to back away slowly.

"To be honest," Denki started quietly as his wax seemed to melt indicating his nervous sweat. "Kirishima ducked."

"I didn't know she was behind me." The armor grumbled.

You turned slightly on the ground as sharp burns shocked through your body as your scars rubbed against the fabric and the snowy floor. The others looked at you worriedly, Katsuki glared at you on the floor.

"Get out the compound." He said lowly.

Denki looked up at him confused. "Wait what?"

"ALL OF YOU ASSHOLES OUT THE COMPOUND!" He bellowed as fear ran through their bodies.

Slowly they started to leave as the king walked over to you. He stopped by Denki and whispered lowly. "I'll handle your dumbass later."

He shivered as the others left and Katsuki approached you on the ground. You were finally able to push yourself up, as the pain screamed in your arms. Katsuki with his face hidden reached for before you hit his black gloved hand away. The king stared at you with disbelief as you looked up at him with a heated gaze.

The Beauty Within (Bakugo X Black Fem Reader) Beauty And The Beast AUWhere stories live. Discover now