The Most Sinister

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Himiko and her sisters sat in the coach that traveled out of the city. She looked out the window to gaze at the winter landscape as they traveled in silence. Kikyo fidgeted slightly in her seat.

"What are you nervous for?" Hamuki asked her.

"Why aren't you nervous?" Kikyo asked back. "We were supposed to keep it low enough. We were supposed to keep Shoto and Touya long enough to subdue them. Not only did we not do that, they escaped, Merlin showed up, and took the rest of them. It took us 8 years to get this far and we were so close."

"It's fine Kikyo." Himiko told her. "We already got all the energy we need from them. Not to mention took the weak bitch Y/N out of the picture. Everything will be fine. We'll get that throne, don't worry."

Kikyo still whined quietly as she looked up and saw their carraige approach a large black castle. Soon they got to the gate and got out of the carraige. The three of them entered the castle and looked around at its dark interior. They walked in silence as they walked up the stairs.

Himiko knocked on a large door.

"Come in ladies." Said a deep and menacing voice.

The three women entered to a room full of glowing blue orbs. Each held a young man who slept as tentacles connected to the orbs all streamed towards a man in large black throne. His veins glowed blue as it their energies surged through his body.

"My dear Togas, how do you fare?" He asked with an evil smile as the rest of his face was casted with shadows.

"We are doing well." Himiko said as she and her sisters bowed to him.

"What did you need my lord?" Kikyo asked.

"Just a welfare check." He responded. "Especially since the locker of young men I had you capture, suddenly disappeared."

The girls froze at his words.

"My lord we deeply apologize, but we were outsmarted by Merlin and his acquaintances." Kikyo tried to explain before the man raised his hand.

"I didn't ask for excuses. How are you going to fix it?" The man asked as scratched his neck. "The next gold moon is in a week. It is then, and only then that we will be able to invade and steal their artifact. And so that you ladies my take over as the new heads. But even if you were able to get those men back you wouldn't be able to take over."

The women looked at him shocked. "Wait what do you mean?" Hamuki asked.

"In order to take over a coven, the former Head Sister must be dead, along with her descendants." He explained.

"But Y/N is dead, we know we saw the girls we possessed kill her in the forest." Himiko argued. "We saw them throw her in a ditch! She isn't alive!"

"Oh really?!" He bellowed while suddenly standing from her throne. "Then please daughters of Toga! Explain to me why Y/N, only born of Faye, the most annoying witch I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. Tell me why her daughter is alive, and not only is she well. She has seduced the king, she has disrupted the flow of negative energy I have been harvesting. That woman has turned everyone in the palace back, all she has left is the king. He is happy, and that is disrupting my work!"

The women stared in silent horror at his declaration. Himiko's eyes darted around as she yelled out.

"How?!" She yelled. "We saw her bleed to death! She should be with her mother! What do you mean she's alive?"

The man arched his brow, opened his right palm and a glowing orb shone in the room. In it an image of you sat on the bed, with Katsuki laying in your lap. You talked to him with a smile, as he appeared to relish in your presence. The girls stared at the sight with rage.

"HOW!" Kikyo yelled out. "She-she-she, I. . . . AGH!"

"The king found her in the forest while she was still clinging to life." He told them while casting the orb away. "Had he came a few minutes later, she would have been dead. So unlucky for us, he found her in time." He said while turning away and picking up a glowing jar of shadows. "And she's close to finding the most sacred witch to break his curse."

"Fuck me." Hamuki muttered as the man brought the jar of shadows.

"Curse yourselves all you want." The man told them and he raised the jar slightly. "As you can see, this jar of Katsuki's negative energy is three quarters full. I don't care how you do it, but you three need to kill Y/N. Make sure she is dead. And get Katsuki back to the hopeless state he was in before."

"Yes sir, we won't let you down." Himiko said.

"You already did by allowing yourselves to be bested by Morganna." He retorted as Himiko frowned. "I'm aware that Meelin is a formidable sorcerer, but Morganna? Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, you girls need to do better we are running out of time."

"Of course master." Kikyo said as she and her sisters bowed at him.

The man stared at them and hummed quietly before he turned around. "No, I need to give you something. Something that will make sure you kill her."

He walked away from the girls and his throne and went into another room. They stood there confused by his words and waited before he came back. He carried a large black bow and arrow that sat in a black cloth.

"I'm sure you girls recognize this." He said as they stared in fear at the weapon.

"Tha-" Kikyo shuddered while staring g at the arrow.

It let out a deep shadow-like grip over their necks. For some reason it seemed like that weapon was hungry for blood.

"That's the Strike of Lucifer." Himiko said breathlessly. "One strike kills you, but very slow, it puts you in a coma of endless nightmare. Before you ultimately die."

"Where did you get this from?" Hamuki asked.

"I have my ways." He said while handing the weapon to Himiko. "You will use this to kill Y/N. There is no cure. His majesty won't be able to bring her back."

"Okay." Himiko said slightly shaking. "But how? The barrier around the palace won't let us near her."

"You'll have a chance in a few days." He said as he sat down. The blue veins supplying his power returned and he shuddered as the energy surged into him. "Haaaa." The man sounded with a sigh. "Y/N will be leaving the palace in two days to search for the most sacred witch. When she leaves, you will strike."

"Yes sir." Himiko said as she and her sisters bowed.

"Quick question, master." Kikyo spoke up.

"You may ask."

"What exactly will we do once we take over the sisterhood?" Kikyo asked. "Well let me ask, what will you do?"

The man smiled at her and looked off in thought. "Hmm. For one thing, the members of that sisterhood, owe me a debt. So I'll make sure to collect that. Then, the city north of the palace. The workers there could make some nice slaves. It was where Y/N's parents came from so it should fare nicely."

Although she herself was guilty of numerous crimes, Himiko shook softly as he continued. There was absmile plastered on his face as he began to countdown the number of sins he would commit once he gained the strength he desired.

But she had no room to be scared as she was preparing to commit yet another sin against you. All of this for a higher status of magical power. It truly is hard to discern who is the most sinister.


1330 words

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