The God of War

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"I swear on Merlin burn!" Touya said as he shot blue flames at the door which stood firm. "Fuck!"

As Touya kicked the door in frustration, Shoto reached up for Ojiro trying to pull him down. "Come one Mashirao, work with me." He said as he failed to pull him down. "At least wake up."

Shoto froze his hand and put it up to his face, hoping the contact would trigger something. He sighed as he saw no reaction and the worry in his chest grew. Why was he here? Shoto could've sworn that he was here to see him off when he left the city all those years ago. He then touched the fleshy rope around his neck. Shoto felt it vibrate in his hold then wondered.

"Maybe if I break this." He muttered as he started to freeze the rope. "Come on."

Touya stopped his assault on the door before turning to look at Shoto. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked.

"Trying to break this off since it seems that's what's making him sleep." He responded as he began to carefully crack the rope.

"You sure that you should do that?" Touya wondered worriedly. "You don't know if doing that will make it worse. There may be consequences for taking that off."

At his words Shoto paused and stared at the sleeping face of his old friend. His head fell into the male's chest. "Y/N gets attacked, then the gaurd from the palace, mom gets poisoned, now I come to find out that Ojiro has been held captive here." He muttered as a pit of sorrow grew in his chest. "What the hell is going on?"

Touya looked at him before leaning against the door. He glanced at the other men that hung and shook his head slowly. "I don't know."


"Were you able to find the enchantment?" Enji asked the doctor while looking at his sickened wife.

"Yes, luckily it's not very strong so I can make a cure." He responded as the man began to grind the flower.

Fuyumi watched him as she stood by the door before a knock was heard. She opened the door to see Momo amd Kyouka at in the hall.

"Hey is she alright?" Momo asked as they entered the cold room.

"Yeah the doctor is making a cure." She told them as the doctor started to mix in a clear liquid.

He got up and recited something into the bowl and approached Rei before Enji helped him get her to drink. "Um where are Touya, Shoto, and Natsuo?" Kyouka asked as Fuyumi shrugged.

"I don't know." She said back worriedly. "Touya went to go look for them but he's gone now too I guess."

Enji groaned as pinched the bridge of his nose. "I knew we shouldn't have come to this hell hole." He muttered as the doctor checked Rei's temperature.

"Alright her temperature is returning to normal." He told Enji. "What's going on outside?"

"The guests are still here, but Himiko and her sisters are nowhere to be found." Kyouka responded.

"We need to leave." Enji said. "Is it safe for me to move her?"

"Yes." The doctor affirmed.

"Where are the boys?" Enji asked.

"I dont-"

"I'm here and we need to leave this bitch." Natsuo said as he bursted into the room. "You guys will not believe who I ran into."


Shoto sat curled on the floor not crying just laying there. Touya stood watching him with a blank stare. The male couldn't believe their luck. Just standing here with all these hanging men made his stomach churn.

"Fuck me." He muttered before turning to the door again and blue flames entered his hands.

Shoto glaned as he began to burn the entrance again. He sat up and watched as he attacked the door. "Be careful before you overheat."

"I'd rather overheat than starve to death in this bitch." Touya responded as he stopped burning the door and began to punch it again.

"You've already tried that." Shoto muttered as Touya turned and looked at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Touya asked. "For a soldier you're so fucking hopeless. Shouldn't you be looking for a way to freedom and victory and shit like you're supposed to?"

Shoto stayed quiet, staring off into space. Touya took a better look at his figure, his brother look drained, devoid of life. "I'm tired Touya. Really, honestly, I am. I'm young, 28 to be exact." He started, his voice sounded shattered.

"Ever since I got back things have gone to shit. War is depressing, all you see are dead bodies. Even though majority of them isn't our own, just seeing all those men and women gone, it gets to you. The sound of gunpowder, and bombs it can make you shake at the littlest things. Anything can scare you." In his admittance he could recollect clearly the face of one enemy soldier. "One soldier saved my life, I stepped on a mine. One step, I wouldn't even be here. He used his power on me and switched places with me. When I asked him why, he told me that he had no family at home. His wife left him, and took his children as well. He told me there was nothing left for him."

Touya watched him speak in silence, not sure of what to say. "In all my life, I've never screamed as loudly as I did that day. In all my life, I've never seen the human body just . . . explode. Just scatter and disperse. I don't know how long I stood there, looking at his scattered body, until one of my comrades took me away. I've never cherished my life so much before. The battle ground let me see the worst ways people can die. It let me see how quickly I could be nothing but a memory in the wind if I wasn't careful."

He scoffed. "I don't even know if being careful would work either."

"I came back hoping to escape that. But, and I'll say this again, my friend disappears, someone else gets attacked, our king is cursed, my mother gets poisoned, and now we're trapped in a meat locker with a bunch of unconscious men part of some evil plot the Toga sisters are cooking up." Shoto looked up at his brother and gave him a weak smile. "So I'm sorry for not being upbeat optimistic. The god of war stripped me of that right."


1086 words

Maybe it's just me but this turned out more depressing than I intended to make it.

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