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At the dining table you sat quietly examining the cloak in your hands. Izuku who had just finished helping you eat watched in curiosity. He looked between you and cloth as you read the text that was invisible to him.

"Hey Y/N what are you doing?" He asked.

Flicking one of your fingers your notepad opened to him and words burned into the page. There's something written on these cloaks you all use when leaving the castle. You explained. I'm trying to figure out what it says, maybe there's something in it to break the curse.

"You think it's in the cloaks?" Izuku asked earning a nod from you. "But didn't Kacchan ask you to not try and break it?"

You side-eyed him before nodding towards your notepad. He said not to use my magic to break it. I'm not using my magic.

"That's true but still he might get mad."

Not like he's gonna hurt me. You said.

The armor sighed giving up his quest to prevent you from being scolded. He spaced off watching you examine the cloth. Before he noticed something.

"Wait where's your wolf?" Izuku asked noticing the absence of your companion.

I sent him to the city for my spell books at home.

"Is that safe?" He asked.

It's better than risking your safety to leave in the middle of the night. The retort in your text was obvious, as Izuku noticed a furrow in your brows. Especially when it would seem that someone is targeting people from here.

Izuku stayed silent at your words. It had only been nearly two weeks, and yet you cared so much for their safety. Going so far as to possibly risk your health to lift a curse you had no business of knowing of. Your concern was admirable, and your kindness knew no bounds.

"Thank you," he said bowing his head as he sat, prompting you to look at him question. "you didn't have to go through all the trouble, but thank you for trying to help us."

You sighed quietly at his gratitude. To you it was nothing, but then again you've done this sort of gesture countless times. Not lifting curses, but just things you knew would benefit others. Of course you've been told countless times, your selflessness knew no bounds.

Don't thank me until this curse is broken, and I can really see if that hair of yours is actually green. You joked in the pages earning a giggling echo from the metal suit. Underneath your bandages you mustered a smile through the toughness of your skin.


It had been so long since Aridam ran through the forest the way he was now. At one with nature, like the wild animal he descended from. Yet now was not the time to be lost to his beastly roots, he must return to your home. In search of the texts you needed to help his new friends.

He treked through the woods before he saw a pack of Grey wolves. The animal nodded at them, a few of them returned the gesture before continuing their activities as Aridam continued his journey. Their scent was getting stronger, the smell of soba and green tea. The smoke of their flame, and that familiar cologne of the blonde haired veteran.

Leaping up a wall of rocks, Aridam looked down upon the estate. His tongue hung out his jaws as he panted happily at the familiar structure. He barked with joy as he went down the other side, and leaped over the gate.

Aridam ran through the large garden, past their white lilies and scarlett roses. Past the blue bells and golden sunflowers, up the white marble steps he stood in front of the glass door peering inside for any of your friends. His extended family.

The Beauty Within (Bakugo X Black Fem Reader) Beauty And The Beast AUWhere stories live. Discover now