8| Caught

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I sat on the toilet covering my nose with toilet paper as it bled heavily more than the last time. It just started right after Lecturing Suk-Hyun.

Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh even though I said most of those things in my head. They were true so I have nothing to be sorry for.

Nothing could justify his behavior it was plain rude and Selfish. After a few minutes, I waited for it to stop bleeding. Thank God, I didn't see the monster again I couldn't deal with the Hallucinations at the moment.

I had more important things to deal with like not getting caught. I soon I was about to come out of the restroom until I heard someone come in. Peaking through the crack of the metal door I saw Ji-Soo going over to the sink and washed her face.

She had touched her Makeshift bat that had Bob wire was wrapped around it. Like she was remembering something. " it's Disgusting to see you act nice." Eun-yoo came in leaning on the door.

" do you think a Freaking chocolate bar is going to suddenly cheer her up?" Ji-Soo scoffed lightly as water dripped down her face. " I think you're giving yourself too much credit."

" so you are the crazy bitch around?" Ji-Soo changed the subject. " watch your back crazy bitch!" She swung up the bat making Eun-yu jump back.

She walked out the door, I sat back down thinking what just happened so they did not like each other? If they didn't it was known of my business anyway.

Waiting a few more minutes for Eun-yu to leave I checked seeing it was clear I came out of the stall.

Turing on the Sink Fossett cleaning my face and neck. Making sure I didn't miss a spot. I got ready to Go out when I saw Eun-yu in front of the door.

She smiled and walked up to me, " so you're the next one?" She circled me I followed her movement not able to say anything. Would she tell?

Mustering up the Courage I nodded, " yes, I've been infected for a while even before I came here." I told Truthfully, Crossing my arms. " hum, must be nice not having to be locked up like Hyun-Su and Suk-Hyun."

I knew where she was going with this.
" But I don't blame you." She went to the mirror to check her reflection. I didn't expect her to say that at all.

From the way she talked to Ji-Soo, " my brother is just going to use you if he finds out." I looked at her Weirdly he doesn't or didn't seem to be like that?

" how do you mean?" I asked Deciphering what she means by use? " you know making you guys do Dangerous stuff for other people." She shrugged.

I shook my head, " that's the only reason Hyun-Su got to stay." She Confirmed, I thought he cared about him? No, it can't be true then again I don't know these people well or at all.

" are you going to Tell?" I asked as she made her way out of the restroom. She stopped her back facing me. " No, where's the fun in that? I get to see you slowly change into a monster plus it kinda cool."

She then walked away placing the headphones on her head again. I didn't know if I could trust her, everything she told me was it true they were just going to use us? Hyun-Su more in Particular since they know about him.

I should have known it there were people that in this world. But sometimes you had to get used to it to Survive. One thing was for sure I hope she kept her mouth shut.

Leaving the restroom I felt tired, from the lack of sleep I perceived and stressed. I went over to the day-care-center to go take a quick nap. Laying on the small couch. Closing my eyes I soon fell asleep letting out a yawn.


" you know you want to!" My reflection spoke to me. Grinning evilly. I backed away not believing what I was seeing.

" what are you?" I breathed out scared. I covered my nose trying not to get blood everywhere. " I'm you but much worse." It giggled.

" This was you're own doing Soo-Nico, 'tsk tsk' I'm not the enemy here." That is when I started to feel funny like I was losing my grasp on my sanity it began to fade.

Then hearing inhuman sounds I began to dash towards people for no reason.

                                              End of dream

I woke up to me hitting the ground, landing on my elbow. I cursed sitting upright rubbing my sore arm. Feeling something wet I wiped my cheek it was a tear.

I couldn't forget that moment, get that day out of my head. The day I attacked them, My family. Sniffling I crossed my feet taking out a photo of them from the field Journal I had taped in.

Me, my mother, father, and my brother, feeling more tears run down my cheeks I couldn't stop them. I missed their smile and laughs, the way Jin-woo would tease me about being a bookworm.

Bringing my knees up to my chest I clenched the photo Close to me. Hugging it as if they were here." it's not my fault." I wept quietly, trying to convince myself to not have such a burden on my shoulders.

I say this because I can't handle the guilt if I say it out loud so if I don't it's not real. Wiping my now wet cheeks my eyes probably looked red and puffy.

I reopened my filed Journal putting my family photo back in, deciding to take my mind off things I began to Sketch the new monsters I had seen starting with the one I first saw here the one that kept saying I can't see.

Drawling out its body, I soon put Details-down into it and some side pics of like when its fingers sprouted out like roots. I also wrote down its weaknesses and Strengths.

Then it was on to the huge monster I saw, I called it protein monster. It had a very creepy face when it smiled as its mouth was bloodstained. I quickly finished it up, but then one person came to mine.

Hyun-Su my pencil was close to the paper wanting to draw him. I felt my heart beating fast, if I did drawl him would it be wrong? Or just plain out weird without him knowing?

It wasn't because he was well a monster just like me or that's what they like to call us even though we are still human but I just wanted to draw him as himself.

Deciding to do it anyway I began with his eyes, they were big and round like they held innocence probably not but that's what I see. Next, I went to his nose, mouth, face shape, ears then lastly hair.

It was messy and fluffy but it seems like it wasn't always like that like he just had let it go. Shrugging it off I close my book and put it back in my bag.

Taking it with me because I didn't trust anyone yet I came out of the day car room and a man passed by me. He was smoking a Cigarette. One thing I noticed he had a burn scar on his face.

I haven't seen him yet before? Maybe I have but didn't acknowledge him. He was walking behind a guy with a deadly glare in his eyes. Deciding not to get into it I left I didn't trust the guy with the beat-up face he gave me the creeps.

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