9| Rescue Mission 

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It's been half a day and I haven't heard Eun-yu say anything about me. I see her walking with that one man I saw earlier. He had blood on his face I guess he had beaten up that one creep.

He was now in the Quarantine room with Hyun-Su which I didn't know why but it made me feel Anxious for him. I didn't trust that guy well that what my gut kept telling me not to.

So I made sure not to get too close to him. I didn't care to know his name. Passing their room I saw Eun-hyuk standing in front of the door.

I wonder what he was doing there? Then Eun-yu's words replayed in my head. " you know making you guys do dangerous stuff for other people." Eun-hyuk wasn't going to ask Hyun-soo to do something dangerous, was he?

I was going to quickly pass him but he stopped me, I Scrunched my face up letting out the shit word. Turning around I fake smiled. " can I talk to you for a minute Soo-Nico?"

Not having a choice I nodded, " you have been out there right Or was that just a lie?" He questioned me. There was no need to lie so being the goodish person I am I told him I've been out there.

" yes, I'm still having nightmares from what I've seen out there." It was true, very Horrid Images stuck in my head of things I want to take back. But I wonder where he was going with this I had a good guess though.

" where is this leading to?" I had cut to the chase. Eun-Hyuk kept a straight face like always. " it'll be dangerous but like you said you've been out there so you must know how to handle those things right?"

Yep, I was right, " Yes, but I almost had a couple of near-death experiences facing them." Who's to say I won't get lucky again if I get into the golden hour. " I'm sure that was scary for you but you and Hyun-su are the best we got to face them."

What did he want me and Hyun-Su to do? " I'll tell you you're Mission once I get him in here." That's when he opened the door and called Hyun-Su out just Hyun-su. I could hear Suk-Hyun fussing about not getting out.

Hyun-Su walked out through the door and his gaze landed on me but I didn't have the happiest face on at the moment he must have thought it was directed towards him because his gaze shifted elsewhere.

But it wasn't, I didn't realize I still had it on after Eun-hyuk and our conversation. He motioned for us to follow him with a wave of his hand. It was true what Eun-yu said.

" the Front gate must be barricaded at all times. And we also need more wooden planks and chains Blocking the stairs. Monsters could get through at any moment same goes to the room back there." He finished implying the quarantine room.

I felt my chest swell up, so there making him do dangerous stuff but still going to lock him up and barricade the door? That's unfair.

I could tell Hyun-Su had a knowing look on his face like he just been stabbed through the heart. He knew he was going to use him.

I had to bit back my Tongue before I could say anything to get myself thrown out of this place. " Why do you think I took your side earlier? I'll be straightforward with you. You will be taking on all of the dangerous work from now on."

I can't believe this crap?" if you don't want to I can't help you" Eun-hyuk crossed his arms being Serious. Hyun-Su spoke up. " what do you mean?"

" The guy in room 1408,"

Hyun-Su's eyes went wide with Recognition. I guess I knew the guy, " can you bring him here?" Hyun-Su couldn't say anything I nodded, "Sure but what's so special about him?" I asked wanting to know before we go and risk our lives.

" he makes Weapons, my electrically charged spear he made it," Hyun-Su explained so that where he got it from.

Eun-hyuk had abruptly left, without giving any explanation, leaving me behind. I was clueless about his sudden disappearance, but I decided to go back to retrieve my machete. Hyun-Su followed me as we headed toward his room to grab the weapon.

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