44 | Save Yi-Kyung

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" Don't know. What should we do? What do you want?" I found myself lost in the moment, pondering his question: What do I want?


Gazing into the monstrous eyes of Hyun-Su, I realized that I had always known what I wanted. But I knew what his desire was thinking. There was no time for his games at that moment. I noticed dark veins emerging beneath his eyes as if they were darkening in search of their prey.

Quickly I headbutted him across the face, With his head thrown back, he stumbled in a daze and fell to the floor. Landing on a pile of blankets, I yelled out in frustration not needing this right now. I felt bad as it was Hyun-Su, but I knew that his behavior wasn't a true reflection of who he was. I decided that I wouldn't comply with whatever he asked of me, as it didn't align with the real Hyun-Su.

"God, you have a lot of nerve trying to come on to me like that? It's unreal, seriously." I shook my head in frustration, running my fingers through my hair. Glancing back at Hyun-Su, the monster, his gaze shifted downward before finally meeting mine again. This time, however, his expression was different. He appeared confused, and I noticed the veins in his eyes receding as they returned to their normal state.

It was as though Cha Hyun-Su had returned. But for how long would he stay this way?



Hyun-Su P.O.V

The clock had struck midnight, and I found myself gazing into the dark depths of the sinkhole. That was the moment I thought back to when I pushed Yi-Kyung over the edge. Reflecting on my actions, I questioned whether it was the right decision. She was tormented, torn between her human nature and the monstrous side of her desire.

Despite the despair, I clung to the hope that there was still a chance for her. As I heard the faint sound of light footsteps drawing near, I instantly recognized them as Soo-Nico's. "Are you certain this is our only option?" she inquired, her words catching me off guard. "It was a new perspective for me. I had witnessed the desires of monsters on several occasions, but never had I been so deeply drawn into someone's psyche as I had been with Yi Kyung's."

I revisited the haunting images of her inner turmoil when she was trapped, grappling with her pain and grief, particularly concerning her child, Ah-Yi. "–she might still have a chance though. If she can recognize that all of this is fake, like I did."

" Do you think you can save her?"

I didn't know if I could, but I needed hope. " I at least have to try. I can't give up on her." no I wouldn't give up on her, " Then I'm coming with you. You just woke up a second ago. What if the monster takes over again?"

" No. You can't I'm sorry you're always waiting, but... Yi-Kyung is my priority right now. I can't guarantee your safety as well if my monster comes back." I couldn't risk it, even Yi-Kyung, I she came down there with me.

" I need to save her no matter what."

I could sense her eagerness to help me, but I knew that this was a task I had to face alone. Before descending into the sinkhole, I cast a final glance in her direction. As I leaped down, my monstrous arm materialized, propelling me into the depths where Yi-Kyung lay amidst the rubble of concrete and dust.

Falling to my knees, I gently cradled Yi Kyung's limp body, laying her head in my lap. Suddenly, she stirred and gasped, and I realized that one of her eyes had turned completely white, just like mine. At that moment, it felt like I was pulled into her mind.

Everything was pitch black, and then, a faint light appeared. As I rose to my feet, I found myself surrounded by what seemed like monstrous eyes, as if they were materializing within her mind driven by desire.

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