29| A Way Out?

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I sat in the day-care center at the bay window. I pretended to be looking outside even though I couldn't see out through it because it was boarded up.

But there was no use to look outside anyways. I would just see how crazy this world had become. Some of us have gone crazy with it and others wait until their everlasting piece of sanity.

I had leaned my head back on the wall-hugging at my knees. It has been a while since I heard from the group... well who's was left of it. And Hyun-Su, I know he didn't remember me or any of us.

He probably won't since I still don't remember my family, Yes I knew what they looked like now but I don't know anything about them. That Soo-Nico was gone.

And speaking of gone.

There was yet another funeral, it just seems like we are almost putting someone in the ground every week. Our group was getting smaller and smaller by the minute. Everyone was in the depths of despair.

Thinking about what we were going to do, They couldn't go to the safety camp, because it wasn't insured for safety you didn't know who will turn, at any given moment, and for me and Hyun-Su we both would be caught and experimented on.

It was a lose-lose situation on both ends. I sighed deeply running my fingers through my hair. But I began to hear light footsteps like they were coming towards this way.

Turning my head I saw Hyun-Su walking past the entrance of the day-care center. He was looking straight forward like he was in a trance. He's been like that ever since he transformed.

Like he's stuck,

He didn't stop but walked on. I don't know why but I decided to follow him. Getting up I made my way quietly out of the room. Caught Hyun-Su out of the corner of my eye before he turned left to the next hallway.

I didn't know what he was doing or where he was going because he kept wandering. His bare feet hitting the floor that was probably cold since it's been a little chilly here lately in September.

I was about to turn another corner but immediately came to a halt. I stayed still peeking my head out. Hyun-Su had sat down while pulling out his phone from his pocket.

The white light illuminated his face as he stared down at it. His lips turned into a frown as if he saw something. He didn't recognize it but wanted to know the reason behind it. I wondered what it was?

His eyes quickly looked up as he laid his phone down on his lap. I immediately turned away, hoping I wasn't seen. I should probably leave him alone, he had just gone through something traumatic not to mention he had just lost someone very important to him.

He may not realize it right now, but that hurt that deep gut-wrenching feeling is still there. He needs some time, making up my mind I huffed silently and walked off. I needed to see what Eun-Hyuk was up to.

Looking around I found him, in a small room, I haven't been in before. Eun-Hyuk was sitting down staring straight at the wall. His face was blank. I walked over and carefully sat down next to him.

" you were close to Hyun-Su, how is he?" He questioned, concern was evident. We all were and wasn't sure what was going to happen next. " so far... —there was a short pause I didn't know how he was feeling?

" I don't know?" I finished truthfully. Eun-Hyuk only nodded understanding I know much less than he does.

If he couldn't remember anything who's to say how he is doing if he didn't know himself. If he was confused, as to what's going on, why he's here, or who we are? Like he told us who are we people. It was like he had amnesia.

Same with me.

But somehow I was different? I remember everyone after I came here but not before. Maybe it had to do with a coping mechanism after I changed?

I don't remember what happened in my past all I know is my family is dead and there is no more home sweet home. Where ever that is? Taking a long Sigh, we sat in silence.

Everything was different now.

We weren't the same people we were before this Apocalyptic-curse. And never will be We all have changed in more ways than one. Some bad and some good or never even changed at all.


It had been a few hours, and I was with the kids and Gil-Sub had given each of the medals that were pined onto their scarves. They showed telling me it was because of how they protected one another.

I smiled, at them for being brave enough to do so considering they were little kids. And how scary this can be for them. Walking into the day-care center. I saw Gil-Sub laying on the floor, with a thin blanket covering him with his book and glasses in hand.

It looked like he was sleeping. Yeong-Su went over to play where the toys were while his sister went over to the old man. I saw on the other side Yi-kyeong leaning up against the wall listening to something in her earpiece.


I kept hearing Su-Yeong call out, she ran up to me pulling on my arm. " I don't think grandpa is waking up?" She said in a quiet tone. I frowned my brows, quickly walking over to where he was laying.

Bending down I tried to shake the old man. "SIR... SIR?!" I kept shaking him but with no luck of him waking up. I checked his pulse on his neck for a heartbeat but there wasn't one.

" Grandpa, let's play." Yeong-Su came into the room all excited. A pure smile was on his face but it dropped seeing that he didn't respond to the little boy that wanted to play with him.

I felt terrible for him.

Yi-kyeong found out and went to go get Eun-Hyuk, for help to pick him up so they could Burry him. We had all gone to say our goodbyes as we were all gathered around. For two more burials. Hye-In went over to Byeong-It, who was laying on the floor dead.

His eyes were open and, she whispered a thank you and closed his eyes shut. Yi-kyeong began to dig, scooping up dirt and throwing it in the pile next to her. She kept shoving until she hit something hard.

Putting the shovel away she got down and started to wipe all the dirt away with her hands. Eun-Hyuk went over to her, it looked like a door on the bottom of the floor.

An escape route. They opened it, I got closer and next to them. It had stairs leading down, 
" Mr. An found it in the end," Yi-kyeong said, we all looked over at Him.

" Now you can Rest In Peace." I thought as I felt a chill go by me. " look it's snowing!!" Yeong-Su yelled. We all gazed up at the gaping hole in the roof, to see little snowflakes coming down steadily.

Getting everything white it landed on. It felt nice to see snow. After watching for a few minutes we got back to work burying the two men on the other side of the room.

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