20| Fallen Hero

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When searching for Cha Hyun-Su, I found him at the staircase. He was rubbing his hand with a blank stare. Seeing him again I began to get nervous, losing my Confident demeanor.

Remembering what I did. " you know it's not good to be alone all the time? you should stick with your buddy." I joked, gaining Hyun-Su attention. Sitting down, but he didn't say anything.

I frowned, wondering what was wrong? I then thought of an idea, grabbing his face I turned it over towards me. Scooting close, again I could tell he was holding his breath. I was making the first move again.

" who was it this time?" I ended up, caressing his jaw with my thumb moving it around in circles where I kissed him. " You get this look on your face when someone gives you a hard time."

I let go, laying my hands on my lap.
" I've noticed." He had looked down, to hide his face. But I followed, he was cute when he was being all bashful. It was my fault entirely. " hey, when some try's to fuck with you do this."

I mimicked what Eun-Yoo does making the bam sounds with my fingers. It meant cussing someone out in Sign language. I showed him,
" that's all you have to do." I smiled, nudging his shoulder.

" you try." I offered, bringing his hand up he tried to do it but failed miserably. I laughed.
" that was terrible, but you'll get it." I saw a little blush appear on his cheeks. " here," I took his hand in mine. " this is how you do it."

I brought his pointer finger up then folding it down, then I did the same thing with his pinky, middle, and thumb. I kept doing it until his pinky was the only thing left up.

I hooked it with mine, making a promise but I wasn't going to tell him, what it was." There you just made me another promise." I could tell he was confused, " What promise?" I rocked our hands back and forth a bit.

" this." I went for it seeing no one was around not that I cared. Regardless I needed to kiss him. I quickly leaned in planting a soft kiss, on his big lips. Cupping his face with my hands. I pressed my lips down Further.

He was stiff into the kiss, his lips felt dry and as rough as I thought. As mine moved against him, please kiss back I thought as if he could read my mind. " screw it." I heard him mumble, into my lips he kissed back.

I smiled, " God, if this turns out bad it's on you!" He murmured, his arm hooked around my waist holding me tight to where I couldn't get out. " then I'll just have to live with it!"

His continued to kiss me but we had to pull away to catch our breaths. I was breathing hard so was he. I placed my forehead on his, he was staring back at me with his dark ones. " —How was it?" he questioned, I laughed shaking my head. " you could use some Chapstick."

I teased trying to get him flustered more because they my lips tingle so bad. He seemed embarrassed now trying to cover them but I stopped him. " but hey, I like them that way."

I moved some of his bangs out of his face pushing them back. " I didn't take you as the touchy lovely Dovey type." Eun-hyuk's voice startled me. I jerked back, did he seriously have to be here? I wondered if he saw the whole make-out session.

" how long have you been standing there?" I stood up, he glanced down and smirked fixing his round glasses. " long enough." I rolled my eyes, only a perv would watch someone kiss somebody.

I tried to change the subject, " what are you doing here anyway?" I crossed my arms. Hoping he would move on and answer my question. " We'll be turning the water off soon, thought you guys might want to wash up before we do."

He informed us I remembered earlier when everyone was all cleaned up at dinner. " Eun-Yoo already has some clothes for you to borrow." he motioned his head, out the door.
" she waiting by the restroom."

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