34| Our True Savior?

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Hyun-Su P.O.V

As I was being escorted down the dimly lit corridor of the underground government facility, I noticed that all eyes were fixed on me. My every move was being closely monitored by a group of armed soldiers who were pushing me along in a cage. The cage was made of steel and felt cramped, with barely enough room to move.

My hands, ankles, and even my neck were cuffed with metal shackles, which made it difficult to remain still from discomfort plus being fully naked didn't help. The sound of my shackles clinking against each other echoed through the corridor, adding to the overall sense of regret.

Despite being hated and treated like the scum of the earth, I was determined to do what was necessary for the betterment of humanity. Even if it meant cooperating with the enemy, I stood firm in my decision and refused to be deterred by anyone's opinion of me.

As we reached the end of the corridor, we came to a halt. I noticed that one of the soldiers who was pushing my cage came forward, and started unlocking the door with his keys. He then pulled on my chains and instructed me to get up and come out. I obliged and slowly made my way towards the open door of the cage before finally standing up.

As I began to walk past the group of soldiers, I couldn't help but notice a few stifled chuckles and whispered comments. Although I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying, their sly grins and hushed tones made it clear that they were mocking me in some way.

It left me feeling embarrassed and self-conscious as if I had unwittingly become the butt of their private jokes.

It reminded me of my past life as a human, specifically my time as a student in school. It's difficult to reflect on that time because it was such a constant struggle. I was severely bullied to the point of being socially excluded, and my family didn't take any action to help me. This was just one of the many problems I faced during that time.

It seems like nothing much has changed. I still feel like an outsider and not fully accepted.

Even if I were the so-called Savior they were claiming me to be, could I even make a difference? I being a neohuman somehow could save humanity's last hope at survival.

As I was being escorted, we eventually arrived at a pair of imposing metal double doors. Upon their opening, I was ushered into a huge, colorless room with towering ceilings, and a stark interior constructed entirely of concrete. The chilly, unyielding floor felt unforgiving beneath my bare feet, and the overall atmosphere left me with an inescapable sense of confinement, akin to that of a prison cell.

As I stood in the center of the dimly lit room, a bright beam of light shone down on me, casting my shadow on the floor. I glanced up and noticed three counterweight doors situated high up on the wall. Suddenly, a piercing alarm blared throughout the space, signaling the opening of the middle door.

As the door slowly ascended, I braced myself for what was to come. And then I saw it - a colossal monster emerged from the opening, its massive body crashing to the ground with a deafening thud.

From the speakers positioned above, a voice rang out, interrupting the silence. "So we meet at last," the voice said, its tone filled with a sense of unfamiliarity and perhaps even a hint of menace." Thank you for coming all the way here, Cha Hyun-su."

He spoke again.

" What, uh... what do I do now?" I questioned. As I heard low growling in the background. " you'll find out soon enough. I take it you're willing to cooperate?" It was, not like I had a choice on either end of the string.

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