24| Secrets out

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3rd P.O.V

Soo-Nico laid on top of the other dead bodies some of her group and others of the invaders. Flies were landing on them as blood seemed in more through their clothes creating large puddles of different types of blood.

The monster inside of Soo-Nico was beginning to fester. Taking over every inch of her body, telling the dying girl to wake up. That it wasn't her time or ever will be inevitable. She was going to evolve into something much more stronger and powerful.

In no time she'll be a ticking time bomb, as her wound was healing already. It would be like nothing had happened. The color was coming back to her ghostly green pale skin going back to its original color Gradually.

" come on!" Her inside monster would yell. "
get up." Even though the monster wasn't supposed to care or worry about its host it somehow felt bad. It remembered when It said I'll be real soon the desire to resist us is too tempting.

Maybe it was time for it. She couldn't stay full human forever. For humans to survive, they would have to change it was the only way as Soo-Nico had no choice but to Evolve.

Her body gave into the deep void of death that wanted to swallow her whole. Her fingers and toes started to twitch one by one her chest began to rise up and down again.

Then all in one moment her lids flashed open revealing nothing but fully black eyes. Tears dripped from down them As her head inhumanely twisted from side to side giving off sinister smile.

" They think they can kill me?" She laughed crazily, " oh, they can try but they can't kill the desires that is inside!" Soo-Nico sat up. Staring at the dead bodies she sat on top of.

" They can't kill my friends!" Those were the last words that slips out of her bloodied-up dried lips. Thinking about her friends. Those invaders were all going to die.

Soo-Nico P.O.V

When I woke up I didn't recognize myself. I didn't know why I was crying? However, I began to smile, for some reason looking from side to side I felt different.

It was like I had awoken in someone else's body. Soon a couple of memories came flooding back to the surface of my brain. Little fragments here and there. I had stayed with a group inside this apartment building.

But I can't remember anyone else or anything before I came here? I wondered why I was In a darkish closet that smelled weird. And flies were everywhere.

I then realized what happened invaders had come in. Attacking my people killing some and trying to kill me in the process little did they know? My smile widened. " they think they can kill me?" I began to laugh and not the type where I find something funny.

" oh, they can try but they can't kill these desire inside!" I desired to get back at the ones who harmed me did me wrong they were foolish just to kill anyone. I sat up seeing the dead bodies my some of my people, and the invaders.

" They can't kill my friends!" those were the last words that left my lips that tasted strange and felt dry. I thought about my friends and how the others were going to die for what they did.

Standing up I walked towards the door grasping the nob opening it slowly. The light was bright that I had to Squint my eyes and look away for a moment. The air was filled with dust and smoke giving off a haze.

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