12| Little kind gestures Pt2

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[ Warning this has a graphic Scene and a sensitive topic near the end. If you are Squamish please don't read. ]

I felt my heart flutter right through my chest. I had just held his hand, not thinking it through. It was warm and soft, sure I've held other guys hands but there's was nothing like Hyun-Su's

I wonder what he was thinking? He probably thinks I'm wired, turning my head to see if he was still there I breathed out in relief when he wasn't.

A smile must have crept onto my lips because I felt my cheeks heat up. I don't know why I was smiling or why my heart was beating a mile per minute.

It shouldn't be because I'm in no shape or form to be thinking about someone like that especially when we're both infected we have our problems to deal with.

Sitting down on the chair that was in front of the door I didn't know why I had to guard others let Hyun-Su or the others out if Eun-Hyuk needed them.

It was most likely Hyun-Su though, waiting around a couple of people came up to the cell holding a piece of paper in their hand it was Jay-Hwan.

Standing up I crossed my arms, " what are you here for?" I questioned, he Extended out his hand and I immediately snatched it from his hands.

Flipping it open I read it was a list of objects he wanted Hyun-Su to get. I rolled my eyes he had just got back not even a few minutes ago and now they're wanting him to go back?


" really? He just back, now you're wanting him to go up there again?" I shoved the piece of paper back into his hands. The guy scoffed,
" so, it's the only thing he's good for."

He shoved past me calling for Hyun-Su, if I could only punch the guy in his face multiple times to get some sense into him I would be content.

" I could do it."

I hurried and spoke before he got here. Jay-Hwan turned and looked at me Raising his brow. " you?" I nodded, " I made it back last time with the guy in the wheelchair and a couple of others."

" That was you?" I couldn't stop myself so I flicked his head, for his dumb question, he made an 'Ow' sound rubbing it. " who else Casper?" I proclaimed.

a couple of people chuckled, " Just give me the paper and I'll be off." He was about to give it to me when Hyun-Su's voice stopped us.
" another request?"

" more like a demand," I uttered under my breath. But that was meant to be heard. Jae-Hwan gave me a sharp glare, there turned to Hyun-Su.

" just a couple of things, I need." He slid the paper through the small bars on the door. He grabbed it looking it over, " I already said I would do it!" I barked, and he shrugged.

" let me get my things," Jae-hwan smirked,
" trying to protect your boyfriend huh?" He whispered when Hyun-Su left. Was he trying to piss me off? " he's not my boyfriend!" retorted back.

We began to bicker until Hyun-Su got back.
" Make sure you get everything!" Jay-Hwan said in a threatened, manner. And his group of friends left.

How do people like that Survive In a world like this? I shook my head unlocking the door letting Hyun-Su out. Walking out he stopped gripping his spear, " I wouldn't worry about him, people like that don't Survive long anyway."

I sighed, shaking my head, " what about me?" I frowned looking up at him, thinking it over truly no one Survives in a world like this even the good. " well you know what I mean? At least you're not a jerk." I pointed out.

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