18| Truthful Lie

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I don't remember when I passed out but I was just now waking up. Laying on the mattress in the quarantine room. There was a small metal container of bandage wrappers, bloodied cotton balls, and wipes. That sat next to me on a table.

I checked myself seeing My leg was tightly wrapped blood stains seeped through it. Just then I remembered everything that happened. Especially Ji-Soo and the others, we couldn't go get the medical supplies she needed.

I wondered if Eun-Hyuk had to do the procedure without the equipment? Is she dead right now? Not knowing I slowly got off the bed ready to go find out if she had the surgery and if it was was a success hopefully it was.

But was stopped When Hyun-Su walked in through the door. He also had tons of blood covering his face and clothes. He noticed I was awake and came over. Something was in his right hand he was gripping it.

" you forgot this." He laid my filed journal down on my lap, I look up at him. He risked going outside for something that didn't belong to him just to return it. He was about to leave before I called out his name.

" Hyun-Su wait," I called out, pulling him into a hug. I could feel his body stiffen as if he hasn't hugged someone in forever, or at all. He was hesitant but then hugged me back. " Thank you, but you didn't have to do that."

I squeezed tighter, knowing the picture of my family was in there. It meant a lot to me. I had stolen it out of my dad's car, leaving the airport. I also took my brother's field Journal the one he was going to give me as a gift.

When I realized this wasn't a virus but a curse that turned people into monsters based on their desire I put myself on the second page but I never look at it again because my family was on the first.

I hadn't realized I had been crying," is it something I did?" Hyun-Su questioned as if asking was this his fault? I immediately shook my head, " no, you did nothing." I smiled, letting go.

Wiping my face with my palms, " what's in the Journal?" He questioned glancing towards it. Sniffling I took a seat I patted the spot next to me. Hyun-Su sat down. Taking the book I opened it skipping the first and second pages.

" When I was out there, I wrote and drawled in this keeping up with the monsters I saw or encountered." I flipped through the pages letting him see. Each monster was different than the next.

" Is this why you were crying?" In a way yes but in a way no. " sort of..." I bit the inside of my bottom lip getting ready to tell him about my family. " this was a gift from my brother but he has never gotten to give it to me." I started.

"I and my family went to go pick him up, from the airport he was coming back from the States. But I wasn't feeling good that day. So I went to the restroom but..." I couldn't tell him what happened so I lied.

" but what?"

I gulped, " there were screams, and I went out to go check what was happening and- and there it started these people were acting crazy, with nose bleeds I couldn't understand what was happening so I went off to go find my family but when I got there they were already dead."

I stared down taking out my family's photo. Tears were dropping on it, I hated myself for lying but I couldn't take it. If I told him what had happened would he look at me differently? Would they all turn away? I would easily get thrown out.

I was a monster, I didn't want to be but I was and there was nothing that could change that.
" I found this in my brother's hands, it was wrapped up," I said talking about the Field Journal.

Now that was the truth, " so you keep this to stay close to them?" I had to nod, " yeah, if I lost this I don't know what I would do." I wipe my cheeks again with the ends of my sleeve.

Continuing on I flipped through the pages but accidentally landed on Hyun-Su's page. I could feel my face going hot I quickly tried to close in but Hyun-Su took the field journal away from me.

Gaping at it, I held my breath not knowing what to say. What was he thinking that I'm probably a creepy stalker? I had drawled him again but with black eyes.

I found him handsome, " so this is what you think of me?" he turned, staring at me. No that's not the reason, at all, I just wanted to draw him. He had this expression on his face that he had all the time when people perceived him as something bad.

It broke my heart, " that's not it, Hyun-Su." I immediately grabbed the filed journal from his hands. Laying it beside me. " then what is?" I had to tell him how I felt, now or this was going to end terribly. Knowing I had put him in a book of terrible monsters that hurt people thinking that he was one of them. I didn't want him to think that.

Grabbing his hands with mine, I grazed my thumb over his scar. I hated the person who made him want to kill himself. " –I like you, I do. That's why I drawled you in the field journal. I don't care if you are infected it makes no difference to me."

I finally said it was like a weight being lifted off my shoulders but a new one was there it was his answer. Hyun-Su was quiet, the space between was Suffocating with anticipation." Please, Hyun-Su!" I was getting worried, did he not feel the same way? " say something?" But He just looked away as if ashamed when I said this.

As I stood in front of Hyun-Su, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I had to make him understand that there was nothing shameful about liking him. He was sitting on the edge of the mattress, his head hanging low, lost in his own thoughts. With a deep breath, I made my way over to him and stood in front of him.

I was determined to make him see things from a different perspective. My hand reached out to touch his chin, and I gently lifted his face towards mine. It was a bold move, one that I never thought I would make. But I knew that I had to take a chance and show him that there was nothing wrong with the way I felt.

I sat down taking a seat on his lap, I heard his breath catch in his throat, " Soo-Nico stop, you can't, I'm a monster." But didn't, I placed his hands on my hips then wrapping mine around his neck I leaned in feeling his hot breath fanning me.

" don't be ashamed," I mumbled, my lips hovering over his. He cleared his throat." don't like something like me." I just smiled, " why?" I brought him closer to me are bodies touching.

Just leaving enough space for our lips to be apart. " You know why... that I am—" His face flushed red repeating his words. "And?" I raised an eyebrow, he was going to say infected. " I think—" But I didn't finish my sentence because I kissed his nose, cheek then his jaw.

His grip tightened on my shirt, I smirked. He was nervous as I trailed my lips to the corner of his mouth Not leaving his skin, " have you've ever had your first kiss?"

I broke away, He silently shook his head no.
" Me either." I informed lowly staring while my thumb grazed over them they were dry and pale seeming rough but that the best kind.

Bringing my lips to his they were so close to touching, and knowing what I was just doing to him I craved it but my time ran short as We both jumped pulling away, from each other.

When someone busted in through the door. It was Yi-kyung, " I better get going Hyun-Su see you later." Whispered in his ear, his hair tickling my face. I got up off his lap taking my field journal with me. Leaving the room.

I had shut the door, laying back on it not believing what I had just done. My stomach was all in knots, I wondered what he was thinking right at this minute. He probably couldn't concentrate I put him in a daze.

But I would do that again if it came down to it seeing he needs to be assured that someone cares deeply for him I did. I was going to show him, so many time until he got the picture.

Walking down the hallways I remembered Ji-Su, I had completely forgotten because of my almost make-out session, I didn't mean to. I hope everything was going fine with her surgery. That's where I was heading to next and to see how the others were doing.

So this chapter is kinda short but I wanted to give you a chapter with just them too, you'll know the reason later why she is confessing her feelings to to him right now. ☺️ Thank you for your reading my story!! I appreciate all the Support!!! 🤍🤍

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