36| A New stranger

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|| This chapter will be a little bit different with the interaction between the characters. ||

Soo-Nico P.O.V
As I gazed at her arm for a good minute, I couldn't help but wonder where she had gotten it from, and if someone had tied it around her arm. However, my thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sight of the man who had been chasing us.

There was something different about him now. His eyes were no longer human, but full white, and his body convulsed with inhumane movements and sounds. It was as if he had transformed into a monster.

As I lowered my gaze towards the ground, my eyes caught a glimpse of the other man lying motionless, his eyes opened and his body limp, as blood-soaked his frontside like he was attacked indicating that he was dead.

Certainly, it was the guy towering over him who did it, I just wondered why he was just standing there. Something wasn't right. Walking up to her I knew She shouldn't be out here it wasn't safe.
" Are you okay?" I asked seeing a wound on her neck that had been bleeding.

" come on, it's dangerous out here." I gestured for her to come with me. But as soon as I did, the man immediately started to run towards me quickly I pulled my knife up ready to attack but stopped seeing the little girl had her hand around the monster's wrist.

" you would kill your kind?"

Upon hearing those words, I froze in my tracks, my fingers unconsciously releasing their tight hold on the weapon. The phrase "my kind" echoed in my mind, I glanced up at the girl and wondered how she could have possibly known my true identity as a monster unless she too was one of my kind. one herself?

"It's complicated," I replied, my voice sounding weaker than I intended it to be.

She persisted with her interrogation. "You're Soo-Nico, right?"

I couldn't help but wonder how she knew my name, and my mind raced with the possible implications of her knowledge. "How do you know that?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm and steady.

" Doesn't matter?" she implied, but that wasn't good enough now it was my turn to interrogate her. It seems she knows a little about me, she had to find out somewhere or someone. "I'm sorry, but I have to ask, how do you know me?"

I questioned her with a hint of suspicion in my voice. "If someone has been talking about me, I suggest you better speak up. Who are you and what do you want?" I was about to say more, but she cut me off before I could finish.

"Like Hyun-Su? He talks a lot about you, you know?" she said with a smile.

Her words took me by surprise, and I couldn't help but wonder how she knew Hyun-Su. My mind raced as I tried to piece together how she might have come to know him. But before I could say anything, my curiosity got the best of me and I demanded to know where he was.

"Where is he?" I said, ignoring her previous statement and waiting for her answer.

With an irritated tone, she retorts, "Why should I tell you?" Her words are sharp, and I can sense the frustration bubbling within her. As she turns to walk away, I instinctively reach out to grab her arm.

But before I can make contact, a sudden and powerful impact slams into me from the side. I am thrown hard against the car door, groaning in pain as my side takes the brunt of the impact.

Confused and disoriented, I struggle to make sense of what just happened. As I look around, I catch sight of the source of the impact: a small, strange creature that bears an uncanny resemblance to a baby.

Memories of a similar creature flood my mind, reminding me of the time when the military picked us up after we were attacked by a similar monster in the tunnels. It dawns on me that this creature must be the offspring of that very same monster.

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