43| Death Of An Old Friend Pt2

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Yi-kyung's back was contorted in an unnatural arch as her clothes gave way under the pressure. In a swift movement, she was on her feet, her eyes locked onto mine with an intense gaze. Without a moment's hesitation, she lunged towards me with incredible speed.

Reacting quickly, I jumped out of the way just in time as Yi-Kyung collided with the metal door, shattering it off its hinges with an ear-splitting crash. Hyun-Su quickly rushed over to me, extending a helping hand to lift me back up. Together, we hurriedly followed Yi-Kyung.

She fell to the floor but soon got up and wasn't standing in front of Chan-Yeong, he quickly grabbed his firearm pointing it at her. Bang, a shot went off and her head flew back. " No don't do that," Hyun-su yelled, running over to Chan-yeong trying to take the gun away.

As Yi Kyung's head lifted, her gaze fixated on the two of them. I observed wisps of smoke emanating from her body, and her left eye gradually turned completely white. I heard Hyun-su softly utter her name. Yi Kyung took a hesitant step toward them, extending her arm but then abruptly retracting it, as if she was locked in a struggle within herself. A single tear traced a path down her cheek as she fought to restrain herself.

" You guys go back."

Hyun-Su explained the situation, but I couldn't wrap my head around it. "No, this doesn't add up. How could she have transformed so suddenly? There were no signs," I objected. " Her daughter did this." Hyun-Su noted "How did her daughter do this to her? Turning people into monsters?" The thought of her being capable of such a horrifying act was incomprehensible to me.

"Monsterization is beyond human control," Chan-yeong stated, keeping his gun aimed. "She's not human," Hyun-Su clarified. "What on earth are you talking about?" Eun-yoo asked, clearly bewildered.

"Leave! Now!"

Hyun-Su's warning fell on deaf ears as we defiantly held our ground, refusing to back down. We watched in tense silence as Yi-Kyung grappled with her inner turmoil. Suddenly, without warning, she sprinted towards the window, the sound of shattering glass ringing in our ears as she crashed through. In a heartbeat, she leaped out, and we could only watch in horror as Hyun-Su chased after her.

From the shattered window, we saw Yi-Kyung collide with the roof of a car before tumbling onto the pavement. To our disbelief, she rose to her feet as if unfazed by the fall.

Hyun-Su quickly landed right after her. Soon she lunged towards him stretching out her blackened monster hand that was imitating whispers of smoke, she stuck in Hyun-Su's right collarbone pushing him against a car door from what I could see.

I swiftly pivoted on my heels and dashed out of the room, the sound of hurried footsteps echoing down the hallway as the others followed closely behind. Moments later, we reached the entrance, the rush of adrenaline still coursing through our veins. Of the building, I ran outside down the steps. They were still fighting.

" Hyun-Su!" I yelled out

As I witnessed him encircle Yi-Kyung with his massive monster wing and hurl her over the car, I saw her rise and start sprinting away. Her body flailed in all directions as she clutched her arm like earlier, but she swiftly bolted away. As Hyun-su ran after her.

As we descended the ramp, my heart raced with worry. I strained to catch a glimpse of them but they were nowhere in sight. "Eun-Yoo, I'm going to go look for them. Stay here with Chan-Yeong," I urged, the urgency of the situation making it imperative for them to remain safe. Determined, I navigated through the concrete lot, skimming past a line of buses until I finally laid eyes on them.

Yi-Kyung came charging in my direction, but with remarkable speed, Hyun-Su scooped her up, soared through the air, and landed in a tumbling motion on the ground right in front of me where sat a huge sinkhole.

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