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December 23rd, 2015.

"Vigilant" the red neon lights flash, blinding my sight.

"This one," Delaney decides, and before I can even think about it, I'm being drug into the crowded, hazy nightclub.

"You look hot, you're bound to have them on their knees begging for you, B," she yells, trying to make herself loud enough for me to hear. I step inside and I'm immediately greeted by constant chatter. All the noise is making my head throb and I haven't even been in here for two seconds, gosh I need a drink. We swiftly make our way over to the bar and sit down. I'm surrounded by dozens of drunk strangers, some drowning in their sorrows, others partying and dancing like there's no tomorrow.

I don't want to end up fitting under the first description.

"Two Red Snappers, please," I say, signaling the bartender.

"I'm surprised you know what the hell those are. I'm impressed B," Delaney jokingly comments.

"You're lucky I don't push you off of that stool in front of everyone," I hiss back at her.

We down the first shot, then another, and another. After about four, I lost count, but who cares about that anyway? "I wanna dance," I say as I drunkenly drag Delaney out onto the center of the dance floor, or whatever you'd like to call it. I toss my head down and messily clip my dirty blonde hair up off of my neck. I begin to loosen up to "Worth It" by Fifth Harmony in the background. I energetically sway back and forth and scream the words with Delaney. Out of the corner of my eye, a tall, mysterious blonde guy catches my eye. He's probably about 20, and he has on black skinny jeans as well as a black and white plaid flannel. For some odd reason, he has sunglasses on.

"Woah," I blurt out.

"What is it?" Delaney curiously asks.

"He's hot," I say, motioning my head in the direction of the man.

"So are you, now go talk to him." Before I can say anything, she shoves me towards him. I normally would run in the other direction, but I'm too drunk to even think straight. I confidently walk up to him, and we're not standing face to face.

"How do you see with those on in here? It's dark as hell," I boldly comment.

"I can't see actually, I'm blind. But, I've been to hell and back and I have to say it's normally not this dark down there." He has a thick, Irish accent, which catches me a bit off guard.

"I'm headed there soon, so I'll let you know if anything changed," I quickly reply.

"Thanks love."

A few seconds of silence pass as he looks me up and down.

"I'm Blair," I say as I extend my right arm.

"Sorry babe, I don't do the whole touching strangers aspect, that's something reserved for one night stands. Unless you wanna go there, of course," he heavily implies.

"After hearing that it's probably better I don't touch you, God knows what nasty shit you're carrying." At this point, the alcohol is speaking. He slowly inches closer to me and now we're face to face.


"I don't like girls with dirty mouths, only in the bedroom," he tuts. "What a shame, you'd be perfect, babe."

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