
524 18 44

January 13th, 2016

I quickly shut my alarm off as I hear Olivia let out a groan. "Turn it off!" Aspen yells as she covers her ears with a pillow. "My head hurts so fucking bad," Delaney cries out. They're all hungover and cranky...great. Looks like I get to babysit today.

I energetically shoot off of the couch and start my day off with an iced coffee before doing some morning yoga. It helps to my body to feel healthy and it keeps my mind in a good, calm place. The others will probably be asleep till about 11 AM, so I have a few hours to relax and get ahead with some business stuff.

After catching up on my emails and messages on social media, I decide to go wake the girls up. "Okay," I say as I pull the blanket away from Aspen's face. "You all need to get your asses up. Especially you," I throw a decorative pillow at Delaney's head.

"Can you no-" I cut her off. "You have work you need to do and I'm making sure you get it done. So, you're welcome," I bite at her.

It's all out of love.

After what seems like hours, they all pry themselves off of the couch and freshen up a bit. "We had so much fun," Olivia says as she pulls me into a joyful hug. "Thank you so much," Aspen says as she shares one with Delaney before they exchange spots. Delaney sees them out and gets to work while I clean-up.

The day flies by and consists of us running to the grocery store and exploring the city a little bit. "There's that metal bean," Delaney manages to say as she practically dies from laughter. "You're so weird," I say as we continue to walk up to it. We take touristy photos for our Instagram and laugh at the distorted look the art piece portrays of us.

"Still look hot even in the eyes of a bean," my voice struggles to remain serious. Delaney gives me a little shove as we make our way back home. After unloading our groceries we rest on the furniture. We've already walked almost 3 miles today, which in heels feels like 10. I prop my feet up with a pillow and unintentionally drift off into a light slumber.


My body immediately shoots up, alarmed by the sound coming from my phone. I quickly fumble around for it before finding it in between the cushions of the couch. Once I successfully dig it out, I see that it's just a text message. Only thing is, it's a message from Niall Horan.


"Hey, babe, what have you been up to lately?" I read in his Irish accent, which makes it sound like we're actually having a conversation—disgusting. "The usual," I type out, being sure to not say too much. "You?"

"I would tell you but turns out you already know. I know you've missed me." God, just when I thought he was starting to become less annoying.

"Mm sure, definitely." I shake my head and reluctantly send it. I wish he would fucking stop with his annoying, sarcastic ass texts.

"Well, it's your lucky day then because I'm back in town," I read the words on the screen before shutting my phone off.

No, it's not my lucky day. I swear the devil knew he couldn't get to me so instead he sent Niall fucking Horan.

You know what? I'll just annoy the hell out of him until he has no choice but to stop texting me. "Are you at your place?"

He quickly responds with a "yes" and surprisingly doesn't ask why. "I'm on my way," I press send as I hurry to get ready. I throw on a matching set of white lingerie. My makeup and hair are already done, so I'm ready to go. I tell Delaney my plan before heading out. He may be satan in the form of a human, so I think he needs a little taste of heaven.

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