
504 17 42

January 12th, 2016

My phone begins to buzz, abruptly waking both of us up from our lazy sleep. His warm body shoots up to hand my device to me.

"Thank you," my dreary morning voice calls out. "Mhm," he groans. Today is my first shoot—I'm not sure what to expect, all is I know is where I need to be and when.


It's 9 AM—I overslept. I have about 100 new messages from Delaney and 5 missed phone calls. "Niall I have to go!" my tiredness instantly vanishes. "My first shoot starts in an hour! I'm gonna be late oh my G-"

"Deep breaths, love. You aren't going to be late, I promise. Go hop in the shower, I'll send my driver to get your friend and bring everything you need over."

"You're a lifesaver, thank you!" I say as I naturally give him a soft peck on the cheek.

"I- I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" he silences me with his warm lips. "Don't be."

I smile as I run to the bathroom and quickly prepare a shower. Delaney arrives within minutes and begins to help me get ready. I apply the same light makeup I always do and air dry my hair. I keep it natural and wavy, but I make sure I look put together. She hands me 2 hangers, one with a pair of black skinny jeans and another with a white tank top.

"You're the best, D," I say as I hug her. "Today's a big day, let's go!" I excitedly say as I exit the bathroom.

"I thought I was the best?" Niall jokingly acts offended. "You look stunning, babe, now go. You're going to absolutely kill it, I know it." I softly press a kiss to his cheek as the residue from my lipgloss leaves a blush stain. He wipes it away with a smile and shoos us out the door.

I fill Delaney in the whole way there and leave it in the car. Nothing is going to distract us on our big day. "Hi!" Maria's peppy voice warmly greets us at the front desk. "You girls ready for your first shoot?"

We beam our bright smiles at her in excitement. "We're so excited!" I let out a happy laugh as she leads us back to a room full of photographers and white backdrops. "Here's your wardrobe for today," she says as she slides us both portable hanger racks. We find our way back to the changing areas where hair and makeup touch us up.

For the first look, I'm wearing an outfit from PacSun that consists of a black blazer, denim black mom jeans, and a red corset top. My hair is voluptuous and wavy, giving off a fun yet sexy look. The photographer tries to help walk me through the shoot since it's my first, but she lays off once she sees that I know what I'm doing. "Tilt your head a bit to the right—perfect!" her camera snaps. I confidently smile and then shift my face back to serious, portraying how I feel about wearing the clothes. That's what it's all about to me, the way that I feel when wearing the items—it sets the mood for the shoot and it also portrays how the buyers will feel while wearing them.

The photographer snaps a few more before sending me off to shoot a few more different looks for PacSun. I'm fortunate enough to start out with a big company like them because getting discovered will be easier. NGM isn't like a normal agency; they organize shoots based on the type of models they sign instead of signing models based on what they want. It's an innovative step forward in the industry. So, whenever they sign a new model, they look for shoots that they feel would be best for them. For example, I'm 5'8", so I model for brands who want tall models. Delaney is 5'7" which isn't short at all, but she books for brands who look for short and average height models.

We wrap up our shoots and head home. "We're all dressed up with nowhere to go," Delaney frowns. "Can we go out tonight?" I know I don't have much of a choice since she always finds a way to persuade me, so I willingly agree. "Yay!" she celebrates from the passenger seat.

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