Forty Four.

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June 25th, 2016.

The past few weeks have been insane. The last time I hung out with Delaney was the night of the Taylor concert, and with Niall about two weeks ago. I've had a crazy amount of fittings and rehearsals for fashion week even though it's 4 months away. I can confidently say that my life is the craziest and busiest it's ever been, but I can't say that it won't get even more intense. Today I finally have a free day. Delaney and I are going to a cycling class, then for coffee. We plan on hitting up 312 with everyone later, but we'll have to see if anything with work pops up. I hope we can both finally catch a break.

I started waking up at 6 AM every morning now. I'm quite proud of myself for it because I not only feel better, but I am more productive. It's currently 6:15 right now, and the sun is slowly coming up. I take a sip of my hot coffee as I flip through the pages of my journal. I open to a blank one and let the ink and my thoughts begin to flow.

June 25th, 2016.
I woke up today with an intense feeling of gratitude. Though I haven't had a single day off this month, I love living. My heart is filled with an abundance of love, while my mind is in the utmost state of tranquility. Every day my vision and purpose becomes more clear, which is everything I've ever sought. I am confident that today will be better than yesterday, even though yesterday was pure bliss.

Sending all of my love to the universe and those who I love,

I smile down at the paper as I let the cool June air flow through the room and inflate my lungs. Lately, I've been struggling with not seeing my Mom. We've spent countless hours on facetime while doing everyday tasks just to catch up. It's hard to make time for those who you love when you're on a schedule like mine, but it's necessary to preserve living as normal as I possibly can. "Hello," Niall strolls through the door whilst holding a bouquet of flowers and a croissant. I gasp and wrap my arms around him to greet him with a kiss. "You are an angel, Horan," I praise the kind gesture.

Though he's not typically a part of my day this early, I'm totally fine with him occasionally ruining my routine. I pour him a cup of black coffee as he sits in the chair next to mine. "So this is why you ignore me till 8 AM every day?" he says in reference to the setup I have that consists of my journal and selection of books. First, he picks up my prayer book and flips through it before he places it back down. He picks up my copy of Emma by Jane Austen and chuckles. "Before you ask, yes, I bought it because of you. I'm only on chapter four but I'm already obsessed with it. "Just wait," he nods his head. "One of my all-time favorites. Soon, it'll be one of yours, too." I nod my head in agreement because I know he's right. I adore Jane Austen; and even though I've only ever read Pride and Prejudice, I consider her to be one of my favorite authors of all time.

We talk over our steaming cups of brew as we share the serene moment together. Niall and I rarely have innocent moments like these. Despite the abundance of intimacy we share, we don't ever take time out of our day to sit and sip coffee. We're always on the go together; and when we aren't, it's because we're both so busy that we always miss each other. While others thought that would complicate our relationship, it only made us stronger. We know that no matter how much time and distance separates us, we will always be together. And even if that fails us, love won't. I can say that in full confidence that nothing can tear us apart.

I finish up my morning routine and teach Niall some yoga. "Ouch!" he winced in pain as he fails his attempt at a headstand. "Oops," I apologetically say. "That's a more advanced move. Here," I show him beginner moves to prevent more injuries. We share a good laugh as he struggles with the easiest moves, so we eventually call it quits. "You think that's relaxing? That was one of the hardest things I've ever done!" he pants. I place a kiss on his lips and smile. "You tried," I whisper as I roll the mats away.

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