Twenty Six.

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April 1st, 2016.

The past few days I've stayed at Niall's place. We began to establish a routine together which is nice. We wake up, get ready, do any work we need to do, come back home, go out together, go to bed, and repeat.

We're learning to coexist.

I guess part of the reason I'm so attached right now is because of what happened. But today, I'm going back to stay at my place with Delaney for good. Of course, I occasionally will spend the night at his place, but I belong at my place.

"Good morning," his soft eyes flutter open and look at me. His raspy voice brings a smile to my face as I lightly brush his blonde strands out of his eyes. The morning sunlight peaks through the window as his pale skin glistens. "Good morning," I whisper back to him, in awe of his natural beauty. We lay there for a moment and discuss our plans for the day before I'm ambushed by spontaneous tickles.

"Niall!" I cry out in laughter. I feel my stomach muscles contract and tighten as my breath continues to escape my lungs. "I can't breathe Ni," I manage to squeeze out as my laughter continues to fill the room. I quickly gain control and push him away from me as I begin to attack him.

"That's not fair!" he says as my body sits upright on top of his. "I never said it was," I chuckle as I continue to tickle him, causing his smile to go wider than ever. "Okay, you win!" he exclaims, giving up. "Don't give up so easily now, Horan," I poke at him as I make my way into the bathroom and freshen up. After I complete my morning routine, I'm out of the door.

"Have a good day," I say as I quickly peck at his lips. "See you later, sunshine," she says with a soft smile as he grabs his keys off of the counter and gathers up his stuff. I make my way down to NGM where I meet Delaney for a shoot. Today, we're just shooting promotional stuff for some small-business jewelry brands.

"Hey D!" I excitedly greet her with a hug that squeezes the air right out of her lungs. "Hey B! I've missed you so much," she says with a genuine smile. We walk into through the huge glass doors as Maria greets us. "Good morning girls," she says in a peppy tone. "You can follow me," she says as she guides us back to the area where we are shooting. "Here's your wardrobe and pieces for today," she says before leaving us alone to get changed.

I'm dressed in a white mock neck shirt and black leather pants, even though I'm only being shot from my head up. Delaney is dressed in a black turtle neck top and red pants. The jewelry pieces are simple and minimalistic. The theme of the collection is "gold rush"—every piece is the perfect metallic shade.

We approach the white backdrop as we spot the photographer. "Hello," I say as I extend my arm out to her. "I'm Blair," I say as Delaney follows with her introduction. "Nice to meet you two, I'm Anna Claire," she says in an inviting tone. "Delaney, we'll shoot you first," she says with a smile. She begins to give Delaney direction for poses and modeling in the neck and face. Delaney flaunts the chunky, gold hoops earrings as her hand rests on her collarbone, showing off her hand full of gold rings. Various sketches are engraved into the plated rings, much like the ones that I'm wearing for the shoot.

"Perfect," she says as she wraps up her portion of the shoot. "Ready when you are, Blair," she welcomes me to the backdrop. "Yes ma'am," I say as I begin to show off the metallic necklace that hangs around my neck. On the pendant is a key that matches the heart locket ring on my ring finger. I turn my chin slightly upwards, strengthening my jawline. My hand rests lightly upon my face as I show off all of the statement pieces. "Yes!" Anna calls out as her camera continues to snap. "Elongate that neck," she directs me as I stretch towards the sky.

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