Forty Two.

225 6 4

May 23rd, 2016.

The past few days have been nothing short of amazing, even with the little hiccup I had the other day. Today's our last full day, so we intend to spend it all at the beach. I lay down flat on my back and soak up every ray I can catch. Even after being here for a week, I'm not tired of the view or the sound of the environment around me.

The wild horses make their way down the coast, walking right in front of us. "D, the horses!" Blair excitedly points as they walk right in front of us. We remain a distance away from them and snap a few photos.

"Hey hottie," I look up as Blair walks toward me. She lays down on my back, letting her heartbeat thump against my spine. "Comfy?" I cock my head up at her to see her smiling softly. "Very. And warm," she giggles, sending vibrations down my back. She places a delicate kiss on the back of my neck which tickles me into laughter. Eventually, she rolls off of me and instead lays next to me. We doze off for a few minutes from the tiring effect the sun has on us.

Blair sits up and makes her way over to Harry and Louis who are passing around a volleyball with Delaney and Zayn. Liam rests in the distance on a lawn chair with a fishing pole in the sand. "Hey guys, got room for one more?" her voice shouts in the distance. I make my way over to Liam and squat down on the sand. "Catch anything good?" I raise my eyebrow at him as he shakes his head. "Nah, just a few small fish." He reels in another small fish and looks at me. "I take it everything's good between you and Blair?" he asks. I nod my head to confirm and grin. "Better than ever before. Literally perfect," I shake my head in disbelief. I can't believe a girl like her exists—and she's all mine.

We chat for a while and talk about everything from daddy issues to lasagna, which basically sums up our friendship. Of course, the rest of the group eventually comes over and creates a big circle around us. We all make fun of the fact that Liam can't catch anything good and eventually split up again.

We eat and soak up the last bit of the sun until it slowly begins to fade away. With sandy feet and salty hair, we jump into our vehicles and make our way home to get ready for our final meal here. I'm glad that we're leaving tonight, but I also wish we could stay forever. This week has been an absolute dream and we all needed the break, but it's bittersweet leaving all of this behind. The memories we've created together will last a lifetime which is more than I could ever ask for.

We enjoy dinner at our typical spot, scoring the same waitress we've had every time. "Thank you for putting up with us all week, Sophie," Blair says in a not-so-joking manner as we all laugh, including Sophie. "Most fun group I've had ever, so really I should be thanking you guys," she smiles as we wave goodbye. "Ugh, she's a gem," Delaney says as Blair nods her head. "Sweet girl," Louis adds.

I walk through the front door to see Zayn ordering everyone around like he's a mom. "Harry, clean this shit up! We're leaving in 5 hours and you still haven't packed anything. Liam, put your movies away. Nobody even uses DVDs anymore," he rolls his eyes as he stops and looks at me. "And Niall, please get your dirty ass beach towel off of the carpet, that shit is disgusting." Blair covers her mouth and attempts to hide her laughter, but miserably fails. "I swear I'm not laughing at you, Zayn. I'm laughing at the fact that you're the only one other than me that has your shit together. I respect it," she pats him on his back as he rolls his eyes. I follow closely behind her as we make our way into our room. "Better not be mocking me, Collins. I have a few things to say about your living habits-" we wave and cut him off by shutting the door.

After we recover from laughing so hard, we hop in the shower again and cleanse the smell of seafood off of us. No matter how many times you wash your hands, I swear it doesn't work. Blair finishes packing while I work on cleaning up the room a bit. Of course, she interrupts me with kisses that eventually convince me to focus on her. We load everything into our car and sneak away to the beach without anyone noticing.

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