Twenty Eight.

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April 8th, 2016.

I toss my suitcase into the trunk of my car as Delaney runs down the sidewalk to hug me. "Have fun, be safe," she says with a smile. "Tell your Mom I miss her!" she reminds me. "I love you, I will," I tell her as we pull away. "Have fun with your Mom and Harry," I wink at her as she rolls her eyes and walks away.

"All packed?" Niall's smile radiates as he walks down the front steps of the apartment to me. "Yep," I say as he tosses his suitcase in the back. I nod my head to him as I get in the front seat of the car and fasten my seatbelt. The trunk door beeps and closes as Niall makes his way up to the passenger's seat. "You sure you don't want me to drive? Or have us driven there? It's really no problem, that's why I have a driver hired," he raises his eyebrows at me, clearly trying to convince me to change my mind. "Nope," I smile and put the car into drive.

About 20 minutes into the drive he obnoxiously starts to sing whatever song comes on the radio. As much as I hate to admit it, he's adorable and looks gorgeous while doing it.

"Can't keep my hands to myself," he sings out as he starts to dramatically inch his hands closer to my face. "I mean I could but why would I want to?" his voice continues on as he awkwardly places his hands on top of my head. "Niall, I'm driving," I giggle as I continue to focus on the pavement ahead. I see him roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye before a sly smile comes across his face. I shake my head and chuckle under my breath as he continues to entertain the both of us with his childish acts.

2 hours pass by before we make our first stop. I pump gas as he runs into the gas station to get snacks. "Here," he says as he hands me a bag of sour gummy worms which brings a smile to my face—he knows they're one of my favorite things to eat, especially since I can barely have them. Within 5 minutes, we're back on the road.

I'm really glad that he's accompanying me on the drive, especially since I've never done it alone before. Delaney and I typically jam out the whole way, but I'm enjoying simple conversations with him. Every day we get to know each other better and better, which causes me to fall deeper in love with him.

He's the perfect guy—granted, he has a lot of deep-rooted issues. Either way, in my eyes, Niall Horan will always be perfect.

"What's your Mom like?" he calls out as he snacks on gummy bears. "You talk about her a lot, but what's she actually like?" he adds to his question. I try to compose my thoughts and create a response that will answer his question. "It's kind of hard to explain," I vaguely start out. "She's super outgoing, just like me," I begin to explain. "Be prepared to hug her when you meet her," I warn him as I picture it perfectly in my head. He chuckles and smiles at me from the passenger seat. "She may overstep because she tends to ask a lot of questions, so if you feel uncomfortable please just tell me," I voice my concern. The last thing I want to do is make him uncomfortable.

"It'll be fine," he brushes it off. "I'm really excited to meet her," he admits. "I am a bit nervous though," he lets me on. "Why?" I turn my head to him for a split second. He shrugs his shoulders and presses his lips together. "I mean, I am meeting the woman who raised the beautiful, intelligent lady I'm talking to right now," he compliments me as I smile at his sweet words. "There's nothing to be nervous about. She's going to adore you," I start out. I remove one hand off of the steering wheel and give his free hand a quick squeeze. "Well, I already know for a fact she does," I say, easing his worries.

Though the drive is a total of 6 hours, they're already flying by. "Only an hour left," he says as he reads off of Google Maps. "Can you call my Mom off of my phone?" I ask him so I can keep my focus on driving. He nods and clicks on her contact button. "Hey sweetie, how far away are you?" her voice fills the car. "Only an hour," I inform her. "Great!" she exclaims. "Can't wait to meet the one you claim to be 'the man of your dreams," she says. I nervously chuckle and awkwardly smile at Niall. " you, see you soon," I quickly hang up before she can say anything else.

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