IDOL: Guest

208 13 2



2 Weeks later...

"Shoot! Aish, why does it has to be like this everytime I cook pancakes?" I groaned pulling my hair out of frustration as I stare at the black pancake in front of me.

FYI, It's not chocolate. It just look like that but no it's not.

Burn man~ burn~

Tsk. What a life.

I'm very good at cooking but this one is the only thing I can't do well. Sounds crazy right?


Here's my other problem, ever since that fansign. Armys started to follow and add me on my social media accounts, I know I should feel happy about it but I can't. Why?  Because most of them did that just to ask me about Taehyung. Are we friends? What's our relationship? God I feel like i'm more than a big time Idol and it's really annoying. I even have to wear a face mask just to cover half of my face so that they wouldn't recognize me but don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming Taehyung for this situation.

Speaking of him, I didn't call or text him ever since day 1, I can't. I just can't. For what? I don't kno--


"Now what?" I murmur after being snapped out from my thoughts. I reached out for my phone that was resting on the other kitchen counter to answer the call--"eh?" I stare at the unknown number that's flashing on the screen of my phone.

Curious if who it is, I pressed the green button and answered the call.


"Hi, is this Kim Y/n?" A deep voice answered from the other line and I was surprised a bit because his voice sounds familiar.

"Yes. This is Kim Y/n speaking. Who are you?" I replied in a calm tone so that I wouldn't sound rude.

"Gosh, finally. I thought I got the wrong number." He chuckled and that sounds familiar too. Where did I heard that? "By the way, this is Kim Taehyung." He said and my eyes widens, almost popping out from its socket. Did I heard it right?

"W-what? Kim Taehyung?"

"Yeah I am. Hey, are you okay?" He asked worried was laced on his voice and I bit my bottom lip as I don't know what to say. Come on Y/n, talk. He's just asking you.

"Yes, i'm okay. I'm just surprised, that's it. How did you get my number?" I asked heading out of the kitchen, going outside the house to find a better signal.

"Oh, well I have my ways."

"What? Hey I'm serious. Tell me, how di--ahh!" I almost punch the guy who's standing in front of my door the moment I opened it.

What the f--

Are my eyes betraying me? Is this real?

There he is, standing in front of me. He's wearing a face mask but I can still recognize him. I can't be wrong. 

"Hi!" He greeted me and I can tell that he's smiling behind the mask because of his eyes while here I am mentally freaking out wondering how the hell did he found my address and why did he came here and it's kinda creepy for me. What is an idol doing here in front of my house?

"Taehyung? What are you doing here?--I mean how did you know my address?" I asked totally feeling in disbelief, not wanting to sound rude. Being careful too at my words.

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