#2 Merman: Not a Human

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Author's POV


You wiped away your tears as you exited the bar where you secretly followed your boyfriend and found out that your relationship with him was just a bet he made with his friends, it was all fake, all lies, he just pretended he loves you, all those promises were nothing but a fake. It's all fake....FAKE LOVE.

You heard his voice calling out your name, yes, he saw you standing behind him the moment he turned around after talking with his friends how fool you are, how weak you are when it comes to him, how it feel so good to play with your feelings and seeing your reactions towards him, how happy you are like an idiot when he's around you, believing all of his sweet lies, he looked so shocked when he saw you and you quickly left without even saying a single word at him.

He kept calling out your name from behind and you quickened your pace, getting away from him as far as you could, not wanting anymore to hear his voice that was once sound like a melody to you, not wanting to see his face that you've once adore anymore.

"Y/n please let me explain." He grabbed your wrist spinning you around to face him and when you saw his face you feel like you're going to puke anytime if you won't divert your gaze away from his face. You don't see him as an handsome guy anymore, you feel nothing but angry and disgust towards him.

"No need to explain Sehun, I saw everything, I heard everything what you said! I don't want to see your face again! We're done." You yanked your wrist from his grasp and slapped him hard on his face with all your strength. You get into your car and drive away.

"No! Y/n come back!" You heard him yelled, you looked at the side mirror of your car seeing him running behind you, trying to catch you up, you shifted your eyes back on the road speeding up your car until he can't catch you anymore.

"How could you Sehun? Why? I thought your love was real...i'm so stupid..." Ocean of tears keep streaming from your eyes down to your chin as you said those words remembering all the memories with him, tons of question filled your head, you shook your head, shutting your eyes tight attempting to remove all of those in your head but you can't. After thinking for a moment how to remove those, an idea pops into your mind and you unhesitantly drive to the place where you think you can forget him...bar.


You don't actually drink but because of your problem that you wanted to forget, the aching pain in your heart you wanted to remove, you drank your 10th shot of beer letting it burn down your throat. You slammed the glass on the counter, looking around you seeing all the people dancing wildly on the dancefloor like an animal and some are making out on the every corner of the place making you scrunch up your face in disgust.

"Hey babe, alone?" A tall guy approached you, looking at your whole body, eyes full of lust. You didn't give your attention to him.

"Ignoring me huh?" He scoffed and you glared at him.

"Go away." You said and turn back your attention to your drink.

"Why? You know what, let's dance." He whispered on your ears snaking his hands on your waist.

"I said go away!" You yanked his hands away from you and slapped him, leaving your money on the counter before you left the bar. You get inside your car, you know you're drunk and not suppose to drive but you didn't care.


You parked your car looking at the sea, stepping outside of your car you walked to the seashore and scream out your pain, no one is there...only you. That's what you thought. You walked closer to the sea without looking down letting it meet your feet, feeling unsatisfied you took another step but you tripped on something you thought it's a rock, your body landed to it with a splash sound.

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