IDOL: Food Section

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12:30 PM

Slowly sneaking out of my cabin, wrapping my small figure with my floral long beach cardigan so that my swimsuit would not show up. Why did I even wear this? Checking the surrounding first, I happily head to the food section knowing that no one's going to stop me from feeding this baby dragon inside my tummy.
The boys must be eating together in their cabin. I thought and just as I get inside I mentally pat myself for having the right thought. The food section is empty, only the food staffs are there who's too busy at their conversation.

I confidently made my way to them and get myself a tray. Seeing my presence made them stop from talking and face me with their most welcoming smile. I guess they already know who am I knowing that Taehyung already informed them about bringing a friend here with him which is me. The resort has only two guests, the legendary BTS and me.

"Hi." I greeted them matching their smile with mine and we exchanged bows.

"Hello Ms. Kim, it's an honor to have you here as a guest at our resort. We hope you like our service here." said the woman wearing a maroon shirt that has a logo of the resort printed at side of it, looking at me with her eyes full of hope. 'Jang Shinhye' the name written on her name tag.

"Of course I do Ms. Jang. I love everything here. This resort is really worth to visit often." I replied and we both chuckled. Her aura shows nothing but kindness unlike the other staff with her that smiling at me but eyes says the opposite.


Who do they think I am? I thought while Ms. Jang started to scope some foods for me on a plate and oh boy just the smell of the foods almost made me drool. They all look delicious.

"If you don't mind me asking Ms. Kim, are you and Mr. Kim Taehyung of BTS perhaps relatives?" Ms. Jang carefully asks me and by hearing her question my eyes quickly shifted back to her with my lips slightly parted, I didn't expect that.

Of course this kind of question should be expected since the person who brought me here is no joke. One of the famous artists in the entire world, Kim Taehyung of BTS.

"Um, no we're not. we are just friends. It just happened that we both have the same surname." I let out an awkward chuckle and as she was about to react at my words our conversation was interrupted by her girl co-workers' squeals and giggles that's totally same with those girls fangirling over there idol/s. They're looking and pointing to someone behind me. Seeing this kind of reaction made me feel nervous.

Oh no. Who would it be? Which one of them? are they all here? I thought and flinched when I felt a hand on my shoulder, almost dropping the tray in my hands.

"Whoa easy, Y/n. It's me." Turning around, I let out a sigh of relief putting down the tray on the top of the table before placing a hand on my heart to calm myself.

Kim Taehyung.

"Sorry." I murmured as I looked at him and took a glance at the workers, being aware of any issues and Taehyung noticed how uncomfortable I am talking with him in front of the other people like this so he simply cleared his throat as he give them a nod telling them to give us a privacy. Seeing that sign, they all let out a nervous smiles and laughs before giving us a bow and left.

"i'm sorry for what happened yesterday." He suddenly apologized as soon as all the staffs left us and my breathe hitches as the scene of me and him inside the cabinet yesterday flashes in my mind. I felt my cheeks heating up but I just ignore it, focusing on his words instead.

"Tae..." I cleared my throat and took a deep breathe "Why?" I looked straight into his eyes so I could see and feel his sincerity.

'Why'. Why did he do that kind of joke to me? I thought as I see his Adam's apple moving up and down as he gulps nervously, eyes blinking for few times. Am I really making him this nervous. He's avoiding my eyes now.

"Tae, look at me." I softy call him as I cupped his face and he shifted his gaze back to me.

Those eyes, they're beautiful than the galaxy. Why does it make me feel...nervous?

"Y/n, I--" his words cut off when someone suddenly called his name from behind.


Getting both of our attention, my eyes widen and immediately moved myself away from Taehyung two meters away. Confusion was clearly written all over his face 100% as he looked at me and Taehyung.

Jung Hoseok. My bias.

"Hyung.." Taehyung called out but his eyes never left mine and that made me feel more nervous. Does he remember me? I guess not, that was three months ago.

"Wait, I remember you." Hoseok's confused expression was replaced by a bright smile as he pointed at me. Oh my god he really remember me? this is awesome!

"R-really?" I can't help myself not to stutter as I shyly smile at him with my now red cheeks. Taehyung was quiet beside me while blankly staring at me. What's wrong with him? why does it look like he's not in favor of me talking with Hoseok?

"Yes. O-of course I do. Hehe weird right?" Hoseok scratched the back of his neck as he let out a...nervous laugh? wait, am I making him nervous too? "'re friends with Tae?" he asks and I nodded 'yes'. "Wow this is amazing! Taehyung, you didn't tell us that she's the one you've been talking about."

"I'm afraid she'll get mad at me if I tell you guys without asking her first so I keep our friendship as secret and beside we're avoiding the issue." Taehyung explained at him and Hoseok nodded understandingly totally agree with Taehyung's explanation.

"I understand that Tae, but you know that we're not just your members, we're your brothers. You know that you can trust us no matter what situation you'll be in." The tone of Hoseok's voice really sound serious as he used his role as a hyung to Taehyung while here I am slightly surprised at the rare sight of him being serious like this.

"I know hyung and i'm sorry." Taehyung mumbled as he looked down to his feet with his uneasy face.

Seeing this sight of VHope talking like this made me feel worried about them.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out getting both of their attention, their eyes widens realizing what I mean and frantically shake their heads.

"No, please don't apologize it's not your fault. There's nothing you should be sorry with and beside I can tell that by just looking at you in the first met, your different from the other people. You wouldn't be a problem with us. Right Tae?" Hoseok waved his hand, the bright look of his face came back as he give me an assuring smile and same as for Taehyung but I know that they did that just so I wouldn't feel bad and blame myself for anything.

Hoseok has a point. Taehyung should've tell them about our friendship earlier. I know I shouldn't be friends and get close with any of them even though my intention is good but I just couldn't say no or reject Taehyung. He's really nice and very friendly to me which is very hard for me to avoid.

"Okay then." I said and they both calm down easing the awkward tension filling the air around us. Just when Taehyung was about to talk Hoseok happily made its way towards me and surprisingly held both of hands taking me off guard.

"Well then, join us for lunch today."

Before I could say no to him he's already pulling me to somewhere. "I think--oomph!" I looked back to Taehyung screaming 'help' using my eyes but Taehyung just lazily shrugs and followed us.

Eotteokke?! I mentally panic and looked at Hoseok, taking the chance to look at him this close while we're running. His beauty is so very natural.  I thought before my eyes goes down to our intertwined hands.

Omg~ i'm really running with my bias. For real.

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