Chapter 17

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*Morning came and Krystal shifted in her bed. She felt a little sore which confused her at first but then it hit her. She and This Is It had sex that night. It's then when she notices the grip around her bare waist. Her eyes travel up from that grip to the face of the person she was laying on. She was greeted with the face of This Is It, laying there peacefully asleep. Krystal couldn't believe it so she tried to push the stray strands of hair off his face before gently tracing his jaw with her finger. At her touch, This Is It's grip on Krystal tightened as he opened his eyes to meet her loving gaze.*

This Is It: K-Krystal?

Krystal: *gasp* It w-worked... Y-you're still here... *smiles with tears in her eyes*

*Krystal pulled herself high enough to kiss his lips before straddling him. After they pull away, This Is It remembers everything that had happened that night and gains a slight blush on his face when he sees that Krystal was still naked. Krystal noticed his gaze on her before blushing and hiding her body with the blanket. She winces as she gets back off This Is It and he notices it.*

This Is It: Love, are you ok?

Krystal: Yes. Just a little sore from last night... *blush*

This Is It: I'll start you a hot bath to ease the pain. Wait here.

*This Is It leaves the room straight to the bathroom to start her a bath. Krystal giggled a little since he was walking stark naked, This Is It grabs a towel and wraps it around his waist. He starts the bath before turning and looking at the mirror, just to notice a hickey on his shoulder. He touches it and smiles a little knowing that Krystal left that on him. Once the bath was full, he stops the water and walks back to Krystal before pulling the covers off her and picking her up bridal style. She lets out shriek before laying her head on his chest with a blush. Once This Is It placed her in the bathtub, he turns to head into the shower but stops when he feels Krystal's hand on his wrist, he turns back to find her pulling him towards the bathtub. He gets the hint and steps in behind her and relaxes as she lays back on him. While they enjoy their bath, they couldn't stop kissing each other. After about half an hour, they get up and head back to the room and get changed. This Is It wears his normal style with the CTE shirt.*


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*While they both were changing, Krystal notices a note on her vanity

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*While they both were changing, Krystal notices a note on her vanity. She picks it up and sees that it was from the Michaels.*

This Is It: Love, what's wrong?

Krystal: The others left a note... It says that they are glad that what happened last night happened in time. They wish us luck, love, prosperity and safety from now on and forever more.

This Is It: Does that mean their gone?

Krystal: I don't know...

* A knock on the door catches them off guard. Krystal opens the door to find Paris, Prince and Blanket. This Is It stands behind Krystal.*

This Is It: What's wrong kids?

Paris: We just think you should see what's on tv.

*This Is It and Krystal follow the kids into the hall where the TV was turned on it was showing a special of Krystal and Michael*

TV: Today marks the 5th anniversary of the King and Queen of pop/kpop and Hollywood's most famous and loved couple, Krystal and Michael Jackson. Today we shall show you their most sweetest moments between the two up until their engagement. Congratulations to the married couple.

*At this moment, both Krystal and This Is It gets hit with a wave of nausea. Thankfully the kids were there to keep them stable. Memories from the 5 years come to them. They now know how the This Is It tour went. They know how Michael proposed to Krystal. Everything comes to them though they really didn't go through it.*

Krystal: That means that the rest of you have left. I can call you Michael now...

Michael: I need to get used to being called Michael instead of This Is It. But boy, I can't get enough of you... *smiles*

Blanket: Dad... *groans*

Prince: That means we can call you mom, right?

Krystal: I don't see why not. *smiles*

Blanket: Mom, your hand...

*Everyone looks at Krystal's left hand to find a stunning wedding ring on her finger. It was easily the most expensive and stunning wedding ring to be seen. Michael had definitely went all out with the ring. Krystal's jaw dropped and Michael hugged Krystal looking at her expression. Krystal turned in his arms and hugged him, Michael let his head rest on Krystal's. The kids left the room, giving their parents some space. Michael pulled away before cupping the side of her face and kissing her gently, pulling her body against his with his arms around her waist and Krystal's arms around his neck. Lets just say that the two of them made up for lost time whenever they had a chance...*

The End

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