Chapter 8

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The Next Morning

*Bad and Thriller wake up to find Krystal in the kitchen making breakfast.*

Thriller: Krystal? Watcha Doin?

Krystal: Good morning boys. I'm making breakfast.

Thriller: We'll help.

Bad: NO. I'm leaving. *leaves*

Krystal: Uhhhh....

Thriller: Don't mind him. For some reason he doesn't like you like we do anymore.

Krystal: Oh... I see. *Sad*

Thriller: Krys, don't be sad. *gives her a hug*

Krystal: It's just upsetting since the person who i've known and cared about for years hate me.

Thriller: Krys, don't be upset. He's just one person, you have the rest of us. The Michael version of the Jackson 5.

Krystal: *giggles* Thanks Thriller. I'm almost done with breakfast. I just have to set up the table. Could you help wake up the rest? Since the older you get, the harder you were to wake up. So good luck.

Thriller: Ok. I'll wake the kids up to help me.

*Thriller and the kids force the Michaels to wake up. They pour water over History and Invincible. The rest of the Michael's were already awake. They rushed to see what happened and just broke into laughter when they saw History and Invincible drenched.*

Dangerous: W-what happened here? *laughs*

Prince: We had to wake all the dads. The hardest to wake up are actually History, Invincible and This Is It.

Blanket: Since This Is It dad was already awake, the only people we had to wake up was History and Invincible dads.

Paris: Since we already tried to wake them up, we decided to use water instead...

Invincible: Seriously?! Thriller! Get back here!!!

*Thriller runs away knowing he was in trouble. He runs with Invincible and History chasing him down the stairs straight to the dining table where Krystal was at.*

Thriller: Krystal!!!! Help me!!!! Save Me!!!! *hides behind Krystal*

Krystal: What happened?

Thriller: I-i'm in trouble... *points to the doorway*

*History and Invincible stand in the doorway drenched from the water with the other Michael's behind them. Krystal looks at them and immediately laughs out loud*

History: Krys! Why are you laughing?!

Krystal: I told them to wake up all of you. I didn't think this would be how they do it...

This Is It: Well if they didn't wake up with the kids and Thriller shaking them, water would be the other best way...

Bad: You're on their side? Krystal made them do so and they are drenched!

Dangerous: Hey! Bad, she didn't make them do it this way. This was their idea. Stop accusing her for something she didn't do.

Thriller: Don't listen to Bad, Krystal. 

*This Is It stares at Bad in anger. He walks towards Bad wanting to punch him. Right before he reaches Bad, he gets stopped by a gentle grip on his wrist. He looks at who stopped him to find Krystal holding his wrist.*

Krystal: This Is It, don't. Its not worth it. Lets just have breakfast. Can we?

*Everyone agrees silently and sits down around the table. They silently eat their food. History who felt awkward decided to break the silence.*

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