Chapter 11

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*The next morning, all the Michaels wake up and have cereal as breakfast since Krystal surprisingly haven't came down yet*

J5: Where's Krystal? Usually she's awake before us.

Thriller: True. Especially since we are deep sleepers.

History: Point. But its kind of expected since she probably came home late yesterday.

Invincible: Did she come back home before you went to bed This Is It?

This Is It: Yup. And she was really drunk. I don't know what Dunk had done to her.

Bad: So what? We can take care of ourselves on our own. We really don't need her-

Dangerous: One more word from your mouth talking badly about Krystal and I will make you regret life.

Prince: I never thought dad was like this then...

Blanket: I don't think he was.

Paris: No he wasn't. This is just the Bad album persona coming out.

*Just then, Krystal trudges her way into the hall holding her head in pain. Blanket notices and immediately tugs on Invincible's arm signalling him to look at Krystal*

Invincible: Krys? Hey, what happened? *walks to Krystal worried, hold her shoulders gently*

Krystal: My head is killing me. I don't feel well, and I'm gonna kill Janet. What happened last night when I came home?

This Is It: I-i'll explain later when you feel better.

*Krystal looks at This Is It in confusion because he never stutters. She opens her mouth to say something but she immediately closes it, covering her mouth and rushes to the toilet in her room with the kids and Michaels calling and chasing after her. Krystal kneels and throws up into the toilet. Blood on the Dance Floor reaches Krystal first. He goes up to her and holds her hair up. After shes done, he helps her stand up and go to the sink to wash her mouth. This Is It, Dangerous, History and Invincible wait in the hall knowing that it would be best to stay  and give her space. The other Michaels escort Krystal back to the hall and onto the couch to lay down. Bad decided to just watch from a distance. The Michaels watch her lie down in pain.*

History: Poor Krys. How drunk did sis get you?

Kids: Aunt Krys, are you ok?

Krystal: Nope. I feel so sick and in so much pain. *groans lightly*

J5: I think we should take care of her. Maybe help get work done around here?

This Is It: Good idea. Then lets do it like this, all of us can take care of the cleaning and tasks around here.

Invincible: Can I take care of Krystal instead?

This Is It: Sure. But we do need to cook lunch.

Thriller: I'll do it!

Dangerous: I'll help.

History: I'll supervise. 

Blood: Then This Is It and I will arrange the library meanwhile. J5, you can hang out with  Paris, Prince and Blanket.

*Everyone heads off to do the things they were to do. Invincible looks at Krystal knowing she doesn't have enough strength. He gently picks her up in his arms and brings her to her room. He sets her down gently, tucking her in. He heads to the kitchen where History, Dangerous and Thriller were at. He grabs a bowl and fills it with cold water. He stops by the trio.*

Invincible: What are you guys thinking. 

Dangerous: We don't know what to make...

History: Any ideas Invincible?

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