Chapter 2

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* This Is It goes to Krystal's room and finds the door unlocked. He gently opens the door and sees something that breaks his heart. He sees Krystal sitting next to the bed on the floor with her knees to her chest, curled up crying. This Is It closes the door gently and carefully goes towards Krystal. He kneels in front of her and softly calls her name.

This Is it: Krystal?

Krystal: Ahh! Go away! *gets up and leans against the wall, afraid* You're not real! I'm just going crazy!

This Is It: Krystal, you are not going crazy. *stands up*

Krystal: Prove it!

This Is It: Ok. If you touch my hand, I won't dissapear. I can be touched. *puts his hand out for Krystal to take*

*Krystal looks at his hand and back at his face still afraid*

This Is It: Krystal, please don't be afraid of me. You know I wil never hurt you.

*Krystal looks at This is it and sees that he meant what he just said and she knew that for years. She knew Michael will never hurt her. She looked back at This is it's hand. This is it watches her being conflicted and prays that she comes to him. Krystal slowly moves towards This is it and carefully reaches her hand to This is it's hand, letting her hand rest in his while he gently holds her hand, happy that she's not afraid but still worried. Krystal stares at This is it's hand that is holding hers and feels happy this isn't a dream. Krystal rushes into his arms, holding onto him as if she's gonna lose him. He holds her tight while she cries into his chest, letting all her frustration come out. With the hand on her head, he gently strokes her hair just like how he used to do when she was stressed. After a few minutes, Krystal's tears stop and she looks up at him, while This is it wipes the tears of her face.*

Krystal: Michael?

This is it: Yes, Krystal?

Krystal: Why are you cold?

This is it: You know I'm not alive. I'm sorry.

Krystal: I don't mind. I missed your hugs.

This is it: I missed yours too. The kids told us that you're stressed. Why?

Krystal: It's because its been a long week. I also have a trial tomorrow. That is about me...

This is it: What, why?

Krystal: The kids will tell you tomorrow. After I go.

This is it: Shall we go and see the rest of

Krystal: Yeah.

*This is it and Krystal walk out of the bedroom and goes to the hall where all the Michaels and kids are waiting.*

History: Krystal, you're back! Are you ok?

Krystal: I'm better.

Thriller: Krys, you look so much more beautiful than you were.

Invincible: As the years passed, she became much more stunning but this is incredible.

This is it: she's 10 times better looking than I remembered.

Krystal: Guys.... *blush*

Blanket: Aunt Krys? How are we going to call each version of dad?

Krystal: Well, lets do this. Call each of them by their album name released their era. You just need to add dad at the end.

Paris: Good idea.

Prince: we should all get rest. Today was a long day. Aunt Krystal, you have a long day ahead of you. Its best if we turn in for the night.

Paris: True but there are so many dads....

Krystal: I think each of you can use a guest room.

Michaels: ok.

*All the Michaels are showed to their rooms. Everyone gets changed and heads to bed but This is it couldn't sleep. He had been curious why Krystal was stressed and felt like it may be his fault. But he also realized that he was developing, no he developed a crush on her before his passing. Eventually, he fell asleep and dreamt of himself and Krystal. He slept peacefully in the end but he wasn't aware that what he'll find out tomorrow may effect how he feels about Krystal.*

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