Chapter 10

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*The next day was pretty uneventful. The Michaels and kids decided to play games the whole day. After everyone finished playing games, they sat down and just joked with each other. That is, until Krystal gets a call from Janet...*

J5: Krystal, your thing is ringing...

Krystal: Thats a phone J5. Just very modern. *picks up phone and answers.* Hey Dunk.

Janet: Hey Krys! How are you?

Krystal: I'm good. You?

Janet: Same. I wanted to ask, are you coming for the party tonight?

Krystal: I don't know Jan.

Janet: Oh come on... I want to spend time with you sis. Please?????

Krystal: F-fine. I'll see you tonight. Bye Janet.

Janet: Bye Krystal!!

Krystal: *hangs up* Oh boy... I guess I'm going....

Paris: I'll help you get ready. *pulls Krystal to her room*

*while the Michaels and the kids wait for Krystal and Paris, Paris chooses Krystal's outfit and makeup with her hair left down. Paris helps Krystal get ready. Paris exited the Krystal's room, then announces the entrance of Krystal. The Michael's jaws drop at Krystal's outfit.* 

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*Before anyone could react, Blood on The Dance Floor heads to Krystal

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*Before anyone could react, Blood on The Dance Floor heads to Krystal. He grabs Krystal by the waist, pulling her body against his.*

Blood: Damn, baby. I didn't know you had it like this. I would love to have a taste.

Bad: Blood!

This Is It: Blood, hands off her! *yanks Blood on the Dance Floor away from Krystal*

Blood: HEY! Don't you dare touch me!!!

Off The Wall: Stop it guys...

Blood: You wanna fight?! *gets in Off The Wall's face*

Krystal: Blood! Enough!

Blood: W-what? *turns to Krystal in shock*

Krystal: You heard me. Blood, you know I don't like how you're acting. Don't talk to This Is It like that. Respect everyone here cause they are you. You'll regret it if you continue acting like this.

Blood: F-fine. I'm sorry guys....

Dangerous: Its ok Blood. We forgive you.

History: Yup just try to control the flirtatiousness. 

Blood: You got it. 

Invincible: Krys, don't you need to go? You're gonna be late...

Krystal: Right. I'm gonna get going. Kids, call Bill the guard if anything is wrong. I'll try to be back by midnight...

Prince: Try?

Blanket: Knowing aunt Janet, she's probably gonna try get aunt Krystal drunk...

Krystal: Definitely... Bye guys! *leaves*

Bad: Lets do something guys.

*After Krystal left, everyone agreed to Bad's idea. They all play games minus This Is It. This Is It was sitting on the couch reading a book and also supervising since he is the oldest. He didn't join the games because he had a lot on his mind. He was also worried for Krystal since he knows that Janet would try to get Krystal drunk, he hoped nothing wrong would happen. Hours pass and the Michaels grow tired. The kids and the Michaels without This Is It head to bed. This Is It stays awake in the hall since he was worried about Krystal. Its about 1:30 in the morning and This Is It starts pacing the hall when he hears someone open the door. He looks at the door to find a very drunk Krystal stumble through the door. This Is It rushes to Krystal, catching her in his arms before she collapses.*

Krystal: Ooohhh, whos this sexy man? *slurs*

This Is It: Krystal its me, This Is It. How drunk are you?

Krystal: *Giggles* Very Mikey.... *wraps arms around This Is It tightly*

This Is It: Oh boy... This is gonna be rough....

Krystal: Mmmm, I like rough... *smirks and runs her hand down This Is It's chest*

This Is It's: U-uhh... Lets just get you to sleep...

Krystal: Only if you carry me... *sits down on the couch*

This Is It: Fine. *catches Krystal off guard by picking her up bridal style, walks to Krystal's room* 

Krystal: Where are you taking me?

This Is It: Your room.

Krystal: I'd prefer your room baby...

This Is It: *blush* Oh gosh... *places Krystal on the bed* How are we gonna get you changed?

Krystal: I have an idea... *winks at This Is It*

This Is It: No Krystal. You need to take a shower but I don't trust your balance. You know what, you can just shower tomorrow.

*This Is It begins to head to her walk in closet to grab some pajamas for Krystal. Krystal however decided to mess with This Is It a little. She wraps her legs around This Is It's waist, stopping him from leaving. Krystal pulls This Is It making him lose his balance. He lands on the bed in shock. Krystal straddles him, grinding down on his crotch. This Is It looks up at Krystal trying his best to keep in a moan and not think lustfully.*

Krystal: Someone looks like they're enjoying this... *grinds and kisses This Is It's neck*

This Is It: Krystal, please stop. You're drunk. Maybe tomorrow?

Krystal: Really? Fine.... *get off This Is It* Good night Mikey.

This Is It: *gets off bed blushing* G-good night Angel.

*This Is It heads to his room knowing that Krystal can handle herself from then on. He goes into the room, closes his door and just flops onto his bed faced down.*

This Is It's POV

Oh boy... This woman is gonna drive me insane. She already was stunning from the start, she became so much more gorgeous since I last saw her. She has a beautiful body, she is a man's dream woman and she was teasing me that way. How can one not think lustfully with her grinding down on them? If she already feels that good, how would she feel in- NO MICHAEL! Control yourself! *looks down* Oh man, I have a major problem...

*That night, This Is It definitely could not sleep well without fixing his problem. Making sure to keep it quiet since the other versions of him were sleeping in the rooms next to his. Krystal immediately fell asleep not knowing what she has done to This Is It but boy was it going to be a rough day tomorrow.

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