Chapter 7

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* Everyone heads to the hall and sits down in front of the tv. On the floor is Blanket, Thriller, History, Bad and Prince. On the couch is This Is It, Krystal, Invincible, Paris and Dangerous.*

History: What movie should we watch?

Thriller: Peter Pan!

Prince: Dad, as much as we know that you love peter pan, why not we watch something more recent?

Bad: Good Idea. But what movie?

Invincible: Can we watch two movies?

Krystal: Why not? Since we have a lot of time.

Blanket: Can we watch Aladdin and It Chapter 2?

Paris: Because aunt Krystal is in both movies right?

Blanket: You got it.

Prince: Then settle in cause one is scary and one is disney.

Dangerous: What is that supposed to mean?

Krystal: One is extremely scary and one is a much better take on Aladdin.

This Is It: Oh dear... Scary movies don't settle well with us.

* As they started watching It chapter 2, everyone started becoming uncomfortable except Krystal because she was the one in the movie. As time went on, Invincible and Dangerous lean on Paris since they became scared. On the floor, all of them are hugging each other in fright. Meanwhile, This Is It is sitting on the couch beside Krystal and is very uncomfortable. Throughout the movie, Krystal notices This Is It is extremely uncomfortable since she knew that he does not like horror movies. Krystal looks at This Is It and whispers to him.*

Krystal: Hey, are you ok?

This Is It: Y-yes. Why do you ask?

Krystal: Because you look very uncomfortable, you're shaking and I know that you do not like horror movies and the younger versions of you are confirming that.

This Is It: Fine, I'm not ok. I am terrified.

Krystal: Hold on. Hey Invincible, can I lean on your back?

Invincible: Sure.

Krystal: This Is It, come lean on me.

*Krystal pulls This Is It gently so that he would be leaning on her. He lays his head on her chest listening to her heartbeat to calm himself. Krystal unties his hair and runs her hand through his hair, calming him further. This Is It thinks back to when he was younger, when he was stressed and Krystal would do the exact thing she was doing for him now. He missed her kindness, her hugs, her touch. He wished that he had told her how he felt before he was gone. He wished that he listened to her warning. He knew how much she cared for him but he didn't listen to her. Boy did he wish that he was in Krystal's position, holding her in his arms, loving her, savoring her. But before his mind went further, he was brought out of his thoughts by the screams of his younger versions.*

This Is It: What just happened?

Bad: You must have spaced out. We just screamed  because of how scary that was.

Invincible: Can we move on to Aladdin?

Prince: Sure. I'll go put it in.

Paris: I'll go get more snacks and drinks.

Krystal: Its ok dear. I'll do it.

History: I'll help.

*They go to the kitchen*

History: How did you film that movie?

Krystal: I struggled. And was not able to sleep for a while.

History: What was up with older me?

Krystal: This Is It? He was very uncomfortable and was shaking so I decided to do what I always did when you were stressed. Something i do for you between history and invincible albums.

History: Oh. Ok. Wow, you now mean so much more.

Krystal: thank you.

*The two of them head back to the hall where everyone else is at. After the movie, Krystal and the kids head off to sleep. Meanwhile, the Michaels are still upstairs.*

Bad: Guys, why are we even here? Is there something going on?

Invincible: Well, the reason we are here is because one of us is supposed to do what they didn't do when they were alive. Only the person who is supposed to do it know what they have to do.

This Is It: And that person is me. I have to confess to her that I love her. 

Thriller: But you can't force yourself to do something you don't want to especially lie about your feelings.

Dangerous: He's not lying about his feelings. We as Michael Jackson always have feelings for her.

History: You just haven't realized it yet. Once you get married, you realize that you had feelings for her from when you were young.

Bad: What ever, she isn't even strong anymore. She's old and can't even take care of herself.

This Is It: She's stronger than you think. DO NOT TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT HER!

Invincible: This Is It, calm down. Krystal herself will kill him on her own.

This Is It: Fine.

Thriller: Lets go to sleep. We don't want to be sleeping the whole day. We should spend our time wisely.

*Bad storms off while the others are just confused at his attitude since they weren't like that when they were younger. This Is It heads to his room last and just can't sleep. He feels guilty for having to put so much stress on Krystal and the fact that she would be heart broken when he confesses. He finally falls asleep unsettled for he did not know what the next day would bring*

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