Chapter 12

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*The morning came upon them. Krystal and This Is It wake up. Krystal looks up at This Is It then goes back to sleeping on his chest.*

This Is It: *giggles* Good morning. Krystal, you need to get up.

Krystal: mmmm.... No...... *snuggles into This Is It*

This Is It: Come on. I know you want to sleep but you have to get up.

Krystal: Few more minutes. *moans lightly*

* This Is It was about to reply when they hear people fighting and shouting coming from the hall. Krystal lifts her head looking at the door then looking at This Is It. The two of them jump off the bed and rush into the hall where they find all the Michaels standing there fighting with Bad. This Is It rushes up to them and pulls them away from Bad. It is then when This Is It wishes Krystal wasn't there to hear Bad's words. Everyone forgot Krystal was in the room too.*

Thriller: Bad, you're being inconsiderate!

Bad: What would you know?!

Dangerous: No! What would you know?! You don't know her as long as we have!

History: You have no right to talk about Krystal like that!

Bad: Its true! She's weak! She's can't take care of herself! No wonder she doesn't get married at all!

Krystal: Excuse me?! I'm weak? Can't take care of myself?! Then how in the world do I survive this long?! I end up taking care of YOUR kids after YOUR death. I suffered for YOU! And I'm still here. I was hurt years ago so badly that I was traumatized! I didn't fall in love with someone! Sorry to the rest of you for having to mention this but who's the one that actually lived?! So you tell me, after all I've gone through for you and others, am I weak? Am I?!

Bad: I-I.... What ever. You can't hurt a fly...

Krystal: Says the guy who made his bodyguard not kill a bug on stage and escort it out.

Bad: How dare you! *tries to slap Krystal*

*Krystal stops Bad from slapping her by stopping his arm. Instead, she slaps him. Bad places his hand on his cheek while everyone stares in shock. Krystal has never ever hurt anyone she cared about. Krystal had tears running down her face.*

Krystal: *sniffs* Bad, no one has ever said those things to me and it hurt. You know how much pain I've gone through. You also have felt that much pain before. Never say things like that ever again....

Bad: I-I... I'm sorry!!! I'm so sorry! I don't know what came to me. I don't know why I said those things. Please forgive me...

Krystal: *hugs Bad* I forgive you...

*The Michaels hugs them as well to show that they also forgive him. They all pull away and wipe their tears. Bad looks at Krystal and This Is It*

Bad: So... How did the both of you enjoy last night? *Smirks, points at Krystal and This Is It*

This Is It: *blush* Oh boy...

Krystal: *blush* We slept. Literally....

Invincible: We're just messing. I think we should let them at least get ready for the day.

*Everyone heads off to their rooms to get ready for the day. Once done, all the Michaels gather downstairs in the hall. While talking, they see Krystal enter the hall wearing black jeans and a cropped CTE shirt that Michael was known for wearing in the past. This outfit shows off Krystal's stomach which surprises the Michaels because they forgot she has an amazing body with slight abs. All the Michaels were staring at Krystal's body.*

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