Chapter 15

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*A few days pass since their truth or dare game. Its the morning of Valentines Day and the Michaels and Krystal are sitting in the hall chatting when Krystal gets a call.*

Off The Wall: Krystal, your sister is calling your phone.

J5: Dami?

Krystal: *Grabs phone* Yup. *Answers phone* Hey sis.

Dami: Unnie, I'll be over in a few minutes with Jin Hwan.

Krystal: W-wha?

Dami: Have you forgot already? We made a deal that you would take care of your baby nephew today so I can spend time with my husband.

Krystal: Right! I forgot its today... Hehe...

Dami: I know. If you want to cancel, I can...

Krystal: NO! I promised you so that I will do. I'll see you in a few. *hangs up* I'm screwed....

This Is It: What's wrong angel?

Krystal: I have a meeting later... And I can't have a baby with me during it...

Invincible: Um... That's indeed a problem.

History: Can't we help?

Krystal: Oof... I don't know...

Dangerous: But we are good at taking care of kids.

Krystal: True... Fine...

*Door Bell rings*

Bad: Hide!

*everyone hides but are secretly watching*

Dami: Unnie! How have you been?

Krystal: I'm better. I know you've been good. Hey little fella! *baby giggles* Aww... I haven't seen him in a while...

Dami: Hence why you're taking care of him. *passes him to Krystal* Jin Hwan-ah, be good sweetheart. Take care of him.

Krystal: Will do. Have fun baby sis! * goes back inside while closing door* You'll be spending time with me and a few friends...

Blood: Is that him?

Thriller: He's so cute!!!

J5: What about me?

Krystal: You are too.

Off The Wall: Can I carry him?

Krystal: Of course. *passes Jin Hwan to Off The Wall*

*They spend time together and play with the baby. At 4:30, Krystal puts the baby to sleep before she has to leave. The Michaels start cleaning the place while This Is It escort Krystal to the door*

This Is It: Stay safe Krys. And drive safe.

Krystal: I will *hugs This Is It tight*

This Is It: What time will you be back? *hugs Krystal back*

Krystal: Maybe before dinner? I gotta go.

This Is It: Ok, bye Krys.

*This Is It watches Krystal leave and drive away. He goes back to the Michaels and help them clean. Things went smoothly until they hear the baby cry around 7:15. The Michaels were just done cooking. They rush into the room where Krystal had placed the baby.*

J5: Why is he crying?

Off The Wall: What do we do?

Thriller: Maybe he's hungry?

Bad: I'll go make him a bottle. *Makes a bottle of milk and returns* Here.

Dangerous: *takes bottle and tries to feed the baby* Here little guy. *baby pushes away bottle and cries*

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