Chapter 14

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*Night arrives. The Michaels and Krystal are joking around. J5 and Off The Wall head off to sleep since they were tired. The Michaels glance at each other signaling to start their plan.*

Thriller: Can we play a game?

Krystal: Its getting late, you sure?

History: I think none of us are tired yet. Lets play!

Krystal: I don't see why not then. Any game ideas?

Bad: Lets play truth or dare!

Dangerous: And you have to do the dare and say the truth. No backing out.

Krystal: I don't know...

Invincible: Come on, it will be fun.

Krystal: Fine....

Blood: I'll start it off. Thriller, truth or dare?

Thriller: Truth first...

Blood: Fine, what did you think when you first saw Krystal when we arrived here?

Thriller: I thought she looked beautiful. Never saw someone that pretty. Bad, truth or dare?

Bad: Dare. Hit me with your best shot.

Thriller: Twerk mate.

Bad: You shmuck. Fine. *twerks* I am never doing that again. Dangerous, truth or dare?

Dangerous: Hmm... truth.

Bad: Do you still like Diana Ross?

Dangerous: I will always like her but I do wish she would treat Krystal better... Anyway, truth or dare History?

History: I pick truth too. Start off easier.

Dangerous: After marrying Lisa Marie, how do you feel about Krystal?

History: She's distanced herself from me for Lisa so I'm kinda sad cause I miss my best friend's presence. Invincible, truth or dare man?

Invincible: Dare! Bring it on!

History: *smirks* I dare you to wear Krystal's dress for the next few rounds.

Invincible: Dang it. Fine! Krys, do you have a dress that might fit me?

Krystal: Hold up. *Heads to room and grabs a wrap dress, comes back to the group* Here, try this. *helps Invincible wear the dress*

Invincible: I look stupid. Krys, truth or dare?

Krystal: Dare. What do I have to do?

Invincible: You're so gonna kill me for this. Let This Is It take off your bra...

Krystal, This Is It: Invincible!!!!

This Is It: No! I am not doing that!

Invincible: No choice. Right guys?!

Michaels: Yup! Do it!

Krystal: This Is It, I-i... J-just do it. *turns her back towards This Is It*

This Is It: W-what am I-i supposed to d-do?

Krystal: Let your hand go under the back of my shirt then unbuckle it. I'll continue from there.

*This Is It does as told. His hand shakily goes up her back under her shirt, brushing lightly against her skin. He gently touches her bra buckle and pulls on it, unbuckling it. Krystal gasps at the feeling of his fingers against her skin and the feeling of her bra unbuckling. She moves to sit back next to This Is It again. She pulls the straps of her bra off her arm through the sleeves and pulling it off. She places it by the couch and wraps her arms around her chest shyly.*

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