Chapter 13

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*The next day was going to be slightly rough for Krystal. She never saw the guest coming. Everyone was downstairs talking and joking when Bill and John, the two guards call the house.*

Bill: *on loudspeaker* Krys, heads up. Ashton is here. John is chasing after him! *hangs up*

Krystal: Damnit! Why is he here?!

J5: Who is Ashton?

Off The Wall: Isn't that your boyfriend, Krys?

Bad: Ex. Its is her ex. 

History: He's up to no good. He's tried attacking her here during my era.

Dangerous: Hide!

*This Is It goes up to Krystal while everyone else ran upstairs.*

Krystal: This Is It, why are you still here? Hide!

This Is It: I don't want you to get hurt.

Krystal: I'll be fine. Now go!

*This Is It goes to the other Michaels who were also watching secretly. Ashton barges into the house. He goes up to Krystal and tries to kiss her. She slaps him immediately.*

Ashton: Come on Krystal, be mine. You know you want it. *smirks*

Krystal: I don't want you. You are the one who wants me and I don't like it.

Ashton: Don't make me do this...

Krystal: Kids, call the guards!

Paris: On it.

Ashton: Thats the last straw. You're mine Krystal whether you like it or not! *attacks Krystal*

*The Michaels and the kids watch in shock as Ashton and Krystal fight. The Michaels want to go in there and save Krystal but they can't be seen by anyone. Going in would make Ashton see them. The two fighting unfortunately break a glass cup.  Ashton grabs a shard and cuts Krystal's arm. Krystal shouts in pain when she gets cut, Ashton also slams Krystal against the wall making her hit her shoulder hard enough that it dislocates. As Krystal is now on the ground holding her shoulder in pain with tears and fear in her eyes, Bill and John the guards run in and grab Ashton while knocking him out. After Bill and John drag Ashton out, the Michaels and kids run down to Krystal worried*

J5: Krystal!!!

Off The Wall: Oh gosh, are you ok?

Krystal: No-... *groans* I-i t-think he dislocated my shoulder... It hurts... *tears fall*

Prince: Aunt Krys, lets go to the hospital. I'll drive. *grabs keys*

Paris: I'll come. *helps Krystal stand up*

Blanket: I'll stay in that case. Please be safe. Don't kill them Prince.

Prince: Got it. Trust me, I'll drive safely...

*Krystal, Paris and Prince head to the hospital, everyone cleans up the mess left from the fight with Krystal's well being in mind. Every one of them are worried especially This Is It. After cleaning up, everyone sits down in the hall when suddenly This Is It walks out of the hall into his room. Everyone notices that he's very worried.*

Blanket: Poor dad, he's too worried about aunt Krys.

Bad: Off The Wall, lets go talk to him?

Off The Wall: Ok. Lets go. *starts walking*

J5: Can I follow?

Bad: I don't see why not.

*The three of them go upstairs. They stop in front of This Is It's door. J5 knocks on the door. They hear This Is It tell them to enter. They enter to find This Is It sitting on the window seat staring out the window.*

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