Chapter 4

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*This Is It ends up going to his room while the others watched him leave. They turned off the television and went to play games outside.*

In court...

*Krystal is in court. They handcuffed her and made her sit where she should.*

Judge: Let us begin.

Plaintiff lawyer: Did you- never mind. I'm not doing this. I know she's innocent. I'm not gonna lie.

Plaintiff: He's right. I've been lying. I'm sorry.

Judge: Krystal may have one wish. Then we shall send the plaintiff to jail.

Krystal: Wait! No, please. Let him go. I forgive him. That's my wish. And that he stops accusing any of the Jackson family for something they didn't do.

Plaintiff: I'll do it.

Judge: Then its settled. Ms. Krystal, any other thing you would like to add?

Krystal: I would like to speak to all the police. I would like to have a word with them.

Judge: Of course. Case closed. Everyone may leave.

After everyone leaves...

Plaintiff: Krystal, why did you let me off? I should be in jail for doing something dumb.

Krystal: You have a family, not to mention two newborn babies. Your wife needs you. That's why. Now go to your wife and kids.

Plaintiff: Thank you. My family is forever grateful. *leaves*

Judge: Ms. Krystal, I've gotten all the police.

Krystal: Thank you. Now, where are the two people who were bringing me here?

Rookie Police: They're there. Trying to escape.

Krystal: Where do you think you're going boys.

*The two police come back*

Krystal: The position of both of you will be downgraded. The two of you will go back into the academy.

Police 1: What?! Why?!

Krystal: Number 1, when a female is to enter the court, it should be female cops who bring her in. Not males and that brings me to number 2. If you are a police and meant to bring someone into court, you are not allowed to ever insult and physically harm that person especially a female!

Police 2: B-but...

Krystal: No buts. I have bruises because of you two. Be glad that i didn't sue you.

Judge: Thats all. Everyone may go. Thank you Ms. Krystal for setting things straight.

*Krystal leaves the court with a smile on her face and heads home, not knowing what will be said by This Is It. Krystal reaches home and sees the Michaels and the kids but notices that This Is It is missing. She heads up to Invincible who was catching his breath.*

Krystal: Invincible?

Invincible: Krystal! You're back! Guys! Krystal is back!!!!

Michaels: Krys!

Kids: Aunt Krystal!

*Everyone runs up to Krystal and hugs her*

Blanket: How was your trial?

Krystal: I won!!!!

History: Congratulations!!!! *ruffles her hair*

Krystal: Guys, wheres This Is It?

Thriller: He went to his room after watching you go in court. He hasn't came down since.

Krystal: Oh... Ok, I'm gonna go talk to him. *heads to This Is It's room*

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