Chapter 5

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Krystal: *knocks on door* Michael?

This Is It: Come in...

Krystal: Hey. I'm back.

This Is It: Krystal. Come sit. *pats his bed next to him*

Krystal: *Sits next to This Is It* You ok?

This Is It: Y-yeah.. I'm good. Why?

Krystal: Well, usually you are very playful and are playing but you weren't downstairs playing with the rest and the fact that you left everyone immediately after I went into the court room.

This Is it: W-well... *sigh* I just feel guilty.

Krystal: W-what? Why?

This Is It: I-its just, this is all because of me. I made you stressed. I put you through so much. You took up the case that started because of me, made you have to take care of my children and so much more.

Krystal: Michael, you didn't make me have to take care of your kids. I took up the role. I could have put them under your family but I didn't. I was touched that you trusted me so much that you put your children under my care. No one would have trusted me like you did. And you care for me. Michael, for you I would do anything. Why? Because I care for you more than you think. Don't feel bad in any way.

This Is It: *sigh* I don't know Krystal... *tears up*

Krystal: Oh Michael.... *kneels on bed and hugs Michael*

*Michael hugs Krystal, not wanting to let go. He rests his head on her chest, listening to her heart beat so that he can calm down, just like how he used to years ago. His tears stop and he looks up at Krystal. Krystal looks down at Michael and wipes his tears away and kisses his forehead.*

Krystal: Don't cry. Remember that I care about you.

This Is It: Ok. Thank you. *hugs back* Where are the kids and the other eras?

Krystal: They're outside. Lets go downstairs.

*Krystal and This Is It went downstairs*

This Is It: Krystal, I haven't seen the rest of the ranch ever since you redecorated the whole ranch.

Krystal: Ok. Come with me.

*Krystal showed This Is It the whole ranch and he was in awe at how the ranch looked like. Krystal made the Neverland Ranch back into its glorious state it was but more modern canceling all the bad memories that was imprinted here. He felt like he was home again. They head back to the house and sat down on the couch.*

This Is It: Krystal, the ranch is so beautiful again. Thank you, angel.

Krystal: You're welcome. You haven't called me that in so long....

This Is It: Well, I guess I should call you angel more often.

Thriller: HEY GUYS!!!!!

Bad: Jeez.... Thriller, calm down.

Paris: Sorry, he's still high on adrenaline.

Krystal: Its fine. Go take a shower boys. Then we can eat and watch a movie.

Michael's: Yes maam! 

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