Chapter 9

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This Is It's POV

Oh dear, what in the world is wrong with me? Why did I do that? What made me think of grabbing her by the waist? She was beautiful though. Time has not taken a toll on her at all. She became any man's dream. Her body against mine was heaven. Boy would I love more. Just think of how beautiful she would look in bed- No! You should not be thinking like that about her especially when you haven't told her your true feelings. Lord help me...

*Everyone took a shower. Dangerous however decided to pay Bad a visit after his shower*

Dangerous: Bad, why did you leave?

Bad: I didn't want to be in the pool with her.

Dangerous: Bad, get a grip. She is the most sweetest person on the planet and you know it. You better bite your tongue around her or else.

Bad: Whatever. I'm going downstairs. *leaves*

*Everyone heads downstairs and has dinner. They decided to just talk. As they were talking, they heard thumps upstairs*

Michaels: What in the?

Kids: That is what we heard when all of you came...

Krystal: Lets go check it out.

*everyone heads upstairs with Krystal and History in the front leading everyone. They open the library door.*

Krystal: Oh my gosh...

This Is It: If i'm correct, they are Blood On The Dance Floor, Off The Wall and Jackson 5.

Blood: Hey babe, I'm Michael. Can I get your number?

Krystal: W-what?

History: Thats Krystal you shmuck.

Blood: Watch you mouth you son of a-

Off The Wall: Enough. W-who are you guys?

Paris: Well, thats Krystal your best friend, they are you but older from your future, he is the younger you as you probably know and we three are your kids from your future.

J5: Why are we here? 

Thriller: Well, one of us is supposed to do something that we couldn't do before we past away. Until its done, we can't leave. Time is on pause in our times.

J5: Who is the oldest?

Invincible: Well, technically Krystal is the oldest but between us Michaels, the oldest is This Is It. *points at This Is It*

Off The Wall: This Is It?

This Is It: We go by our era/album name. So when calling us, go by the album you're working on at your time.

Blood: What I want to know if you're single *slides to Krystal but gets stopped by the other Michaels*

Bad: Back off mate.

Blood: Why should I? I thought you don't like her?

Bad: How do you know?

Blood: I'm you. Duh.

Bad: Well, even if I don't care this is not right. So back off.

Blood: Fine. But I'm taking my chances.

Dangerous: No way. Lets get back downstairs can we?

*Everyone heads downstairs with the Michael's guarding Krystal they talk while the newer joining Michaels get to know what has been happening and about everyone.*

Off The Wall: Wow, thats interesting.

Krystal: Ok guys, its getting late. I think its time to get some sleep.

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