Chapter 1

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Krystal, Paris, Prince and Blanket had just arrived home. The kids were fine but Krystal was stressed to the max. But she tried to hide it from the kids.

Paris: Aunt Krystal, are you ok?

Krystal: I'm fine dear. I'm just tired. I'll be in my room to rest. *forces a smile*
Prince: Please get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day for you.

*Krystal goes to her room (Michael's original room) to get some rest.*

Blanket: Poor aunt Krys, she suffered for dad and now they torture her.

*Krystal immediately fell asleep but the kids were still awake though it was getting late.*

Prince: Guys, we should head to bed. Aunt Krystal will scold us if we sleep late.

Paris: Prince, she won't scold us. She always tells us.

Blanket: True.

*A few thumps are heard from upstairs*

Blanket: What the?

Paris: Lets go investigate.

Prince: Are you crazy? What if its a burglar? We could get killed!

Blanket: But Aunt Krys would investigate.

Paris: Lets bring something we could use as a weapon.

*The kids pick up a frying pan and head upstairs. They go to a room they hear noise from*

Prince: On three. One, two, three! *opens room door*

*the kids were in shock since the person who was staring back at them in shock was not one but 5 eras of their dad!*

*the kids were in shock since the person who was staring back at them in shock was not one but 5 eras of their dad!*

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Paris: What in the world!

Blanket: Why is there 5 eras of our dad?

Thriller, Bad, Dangerous: Huh? Dad?

Invincible: They are our kids. But all grown up.

History: Trust me when I say even we don't understand why there are other eras here, but we know that we may be here awhile.

Blanket: Why?

Bad: Well, we were told that until the right one of us does the right thing they were supposed to do, we can't leave.

Prince: Then we should probably figure out how to call each of you. Any ideas guys?

Paris: Nope. We should ask aunt Krystal.

Blanket: Lets just go downstairs first.

*All the Michaels go downstairs with the kids. Right as they sit down, Krystal walks into the hall and sees the Michaels*

Krystal: AHH!!! What the! Why is there so many Michaels?!

Thriller: We're all wondering the same thing...

Bad: But who are you?

Paris: Thats aunt Krystal. You know, you're best friend Krystal Kwon.

Michaels: Krystal?!

Krystal: I must be hallucinating. Must be stress...

Prince: Aunt Krys, you're not hallucinating. This is real.

Krystal: But then there should be one more of you....

This is it: I'm here.

This is it: I'm here

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(This Is It)

Krystal: No, this can't be true!

This Is It: Krystal... *goes nearer to Krystal, tries to reach her hand*

Krystal: No! Don't come any closer! Please! *walks backwards* I must be going crazy! I need to go! *cries and runs to bedroom*

This Is It: I can't believe it... S-she's afraid of m-me.

Paris: Daddy, she's had a long and rough day. She's been on edge the whole day.

Prince: Dad, only you can talk to her. Please, you know her the best. *says to This Is It*

This Is It: Are you sure?

Blanket: We're sure dad.

This Is It: Ok. I'll go try talk to her.

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